T2K -- Boundary Waters Fur Trade (La Verendrye) Route

June 28, 2000

Location Distance To,
Portage Length,
Total Miles
Including Portages
Rods Portaged
South Fowl Lake 1.7   250.6 3149  
Fowl Portage 0.9 300 251.6 3449 Took about 2 hours because of large amount of blowdown over portage. Trail was hard to follow in places.
Pigeon River 9.4   261.0 3449 Swamps on both sides of the river prevented finding a suitable place to stop for lunch; ate lunch in canoes while floating down river. Did not find 'Meadows' refered to in many journals.
Partridge Falls Portage 0.3 90 261.3 3539 Drenching rain after portage completed.
Pigeon River/Ft. Charlotte 1.8   263.1 3539 Arrive about 4:30.
Day's Total 14.1 390  
Maps: Fisher: F-14; McKenzie: 98

  • August 7th, JMcD: Slept at "Outarde Portage" (Fowl Portage). Had to send canoe back to Caribou Portage to pick up seven missing pieces. Spent the night with Robert Thompson and Wm McKay. (Ref. 11, p 99)
  • Large grassy area about two miles west of Partridge Falls. First campsite east of South Fowl Lake. Apparently, it was the customary camping place of voyageurs on the first night heading west from Grand Portage. Wooden frame for a large wall tent marked the spot when this reference was written. (Ref. 2, p 11)
  • August 6th, JMcD: "Passed night at the prairie along with Mr. John Finlay" about 2.5 miles west of Partridge Falls. (Ref. 11, p 98)
  • August 6th, JMcD: First "carrying place" was Partridge Portage "…caused by the River falling over a Rock from the height of about fifty feet". (Ref. 11, p 98)
  • Fort Charlotte portage is well marked. There is a large unmarked stone cairn "which is in memory of the countless voyageurs who carried loads of 100 pounds and more over this portage at dog trot pace." (Ref. 2, p 11)
  • Medart Chouart Sieur des Groseilleirs and his brother-in-law, Pierre Esprit Radisson, may have visited Pigeon River about 1660 as a few years after that, maps show it labled as "Groseiliers" River. (Ref. 9, p 102)
  • August 6th, JMcD: Helped send off fourteen canoes for the Assinbonine River. 4-6 people per canoe. (Ref. 11, p 97)

Foul Fowl Portage blow-down
Pigeon River
Partridge Falls
Fort Charlotte plaque and carin


Details for June 12, June 13, June 14, June 15, June 16, June 17, June 18, June 19, June 20, June 21, June 22, June 23, June 24, June 25, June 26, June 27, July 28 or June 29

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Exit T2K

Last updated: December 26, 2013