T2K -- Boundary Waters Fur Trade (La Verendrye) Route

June 15, 2000

Location Distance To,
Portage Length,
Total Miles
Including Portages
Rods Portaged
Rainy Lake 4.0   36.1 0 Broke camp at 7:45; wind from the west. Canoe capsized in heavy cross-swells west of Finger Bay. Swam canoe with contents tied-in to shore and carried to bay. Changed clothes and headed east.
Rainy Lake, East of Finger Bay 1.1   37.2 0 Crossed Finger Bay; water too rough. Stopped for about 3 hours; ate lunch. Wind died down and resumed paddling.
Rainy Lake 9.2   46.4 0 To Kettle Falls
Kettle Falls Portage 0.1 35 46.5 35 Portaged Kettle Falls. Used phone at Kettle Falls to check for emergency messages with point-of-contact for trip.
Mica Island, Namakan Lake 3.4   49.9 35 Paddled to Mica Island. Arrived at camp about 5:30.
Day's Total 17.8 35  
Maps: McKinzie: R2, Fisher: F-22

  • August 19th, JMcD: Passed small portage at 9 AM (Kettle Portage?) and entered Rainy Lake at 10:30. Had favorable wind for eight miles. (Ref. 11, p 103)
  • The original route followed the international boundary, switching back to the west after passing Kettle Falls. A new route was developed shortly after the North West Company was formed (1784). The route is probably the Canadian Channel. (Ref. 1, p 80)

Rough water on Rainy Lake
Portaging swamped canoe to calmer waters


Details for June 12, June 13, June 14, June 15, June 16, June 17, June 18, June 19, June 20, June 21, June 22, June 23, June 24, June 25, June 26, June 27, June 28 or June 29

Intro, History, Equipment, Personal Equipment, Menus
Exit T2K

Last updated: November 28, 2013.