References for T2K Website

  1. Eric W. Morse, Fur Trade Canoe Routes of Canada/Then and Now, University of Toronto Press, 1969.
  2. --, The Boundary Waters Fur Trade Canoe Route, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (Written prior to 1986)
  3. ---. The Kaministikwia River Fur Trade Canoe Route, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources.
  4. Grace Lee Nute, The Voyageur's Highway, Minnesota Historical Society, 1941.
  5. Bob Cary, "Canoeing Back Into History", Boundary Waters Journal, Spring 1992, p. 62.
  6. Heather Monthei, "Colorful Characters of Canoe Country", Boundary Waters Journal, Fall 1998.
  7. Scott Anderson, Distant Fires, Pfeifer-Hamilton, 1990.
  8. Grace Lee Nute, The Voyageurs, Minnesota Historical Society, 1931.
  9. David Lavender, Winner Take All, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1977.
  10. David A. Armour, ed., Attack at Michilimackinac, Mackinac State Historic Park, 1971.
  11. Charles M. Gates, ed., Five Fur Traders of the Northwest, Minnesota Historical Society, 1965.
  12. W. Kaye Lamb, ed., The Journal and Letters of Sir Alexander Mackinzie, Cambridge University Press, 1970.
  13. J. Arnold Bolz, Portage into the Past by Canoe along the Minnesota-Ontario Boundary Waters, University of Minnesota Press, 1960.
  14. ---, "The History of Fort Frances", literature provided by the Ontario Tourist Bureau, 2000.
  15. Lawrence J. Burpee, Journal of La Verendrye: Journals and Letters of Pierre Gaultier de Varennes de la Verendrye and his Sons, Toronto, 1927.
  16. Elliot Coues, New Light on the Early History of the Greater Northwest -- The Manuscript Journals of Alexander Henry (Fur Trader of the Northwest Company) and of David Thomposn (Official Geographer and Explorer of the same Company) 1799 - 1814, Vol. 1, Ross and Haines, Inc., Minnapolis, 1897.
  17. David Backus, A Wilderness Within, The Life of Sigurd Olson, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, 1997.

Old/French Name Current Name/Translation
Avant de canot Bowsman (sometimes also interpreter and guide)
Bourgeois Agents and partners
Canots du maitre Larger canoes used from Montreal to Grand Portage
Canots du nort Smaller canoes used west of Grand Portage
Cedar Rapids Six rapids at west end of Knife Lake
Cypress Lake Otterback Lake
Decharge Remove part of the load and float the canoes
Decharge des Epingles Portage/float at west end of Gunflint Lake
Degrade Forced to remain at camp because of strong wind
Gouvernail Steersman
Grand Portage des Cerises Long/Great Cherry Portage
Grand Portage Neuf Long Portage
Horse Portage Basswod Falls Portage (1.5 mi.?); repaced two shorter portages used by fur traders
l'Anse de Sable Point of land called Handle of Sand (Saganaga Lake)
l'Escalier Falls Portage Two portages out of Gunflint Lake
Lac de Hauteur des Terres North Lake
Hommes du nort Northmen
Lac aux Outardes South Fowl Lake
Lac Bois Blanc Basswood Lake
Lac des Pierres a Fusil Gunflint Lake
Lac des Couteaux Knife Lake
Lac de la Montaigne Mountain Lake. Chippewa called it Keesh-Ku-Te-Na
Lac la Marte Rat Lake
Lac Orignal Moose Lake
Lac Roseau Rose Lake. (Also known as Muddy Lake. Roseau means reeds. Chippewa called it Ka-ba-govish-ks-wa-ga Saga-ai-gon. Voyeagures called Small Fish Lake for the quantity of suckers found in it.)
Lac Vaseux Lower Lilly Lake
La Grand North Great North; territory west of Lake Winnepeg
La Petit North Little North; territory north of Lake Superior and east of Lake Winnepeg
La Vieille The old woman of the wind
Mangeurs de lard Pork eaters; voyageurs who paddled between Montreal and Grand Portage/Fort William
Milieux Middlemen (voyageurs)
Pay d'en haut "upper country"
Petit des Bois Blanc Portage Little Basswood Portage (1st portage by-passed)
Petit Rocher des Couteaux portages Three portages and decharges west of Big Knife Portage
Petit Rocher du Lac Croche Little Stone Portage (at Lower Basswood Falls)
Pine Islands Ottawa Island or possibly islands around/near Ottawa Island
Point aux Chapeaux Hat Point
Point aux Framboise Raspberry Point
Point Pins/Point of Pines Canadian Point
Portage aux Outardes Bustard, Fowl or Goose Portage
Portage Carreboeuf Carribou or Deer Portage
Portage de la Pointe Bois/Point of Woods Portage Wheelbarrow Falls
Portage des Grand Pins Great Pine Portage (2nd portage by-passed)
Portage du Hauteur des Terre Height of Land Portage
Portage du Pendrix Partridge Portage
Portage Gros des Bois Blanc Prarie Portage
Portage Grosre Roche Big Rock or Great Stone Portage
Portage la Carpe Portage at lower end of Carpe Lake
Portage la Marte Rat Portage
Portage la Prarie Monument Portage
Portage les Perches South Lake Portage
Portage Orignal Moose Portage
Portage Petit Neuf Watab Portage. (Called new because it started to be used when the route was changed from going thru Arrow Lake.)
Portage Petit Rocher des Couteaux Little Knife Portage
Portage Petit Vaseux Little Muddy or second Cherry Portage. Also third Little or Lesser Cherry Portage
Portage Rocher de la Prairie Swamp Portage (east end of Swamp Lake)
Pose Stopping points on portages at about 1/3 to 1/2 mile intervals
Riviere aux Tourtes Piegon River
Wooden Horse Portage and Falls Next portage after l'Esculier
These cross references come from many of the references listed above. The primary source is Ref. 13.

Intro, Route, History, Equipment, Personal Equipment, Menus
Exit T2K

Last updated: June 6, 2000
Reformatted: Nov. 2013