T2K -- Boundary Waters Fur Trade (La Verendrye) Route

June 14, 2000

Location Distance To,
Portage Length,
Total Miles
Including Portages
Rods Portaged
Rainy Lake     Left camp at about 8:45. Rained until mid-morning.
Soldier's Point 10.7   24.4 0 Ate lunch here after passing thru Burle Narrows; rained while eating.
Nelson Island 2.7   27.1 0 Crossed Rainy Lake to Nelson Island; some headwind, but weather was nice.
Beaver Lodge Campsite on Big Island, Kempton Bay 5.0   32.1 0 Paddled thru Kempton Narrows where we saw a black bear cub. Arrived at campsite about 4:30. Had some time to dry out things, but rained again while eating.
Day's Total 18.4 0  
Maps: McKinzie: R1, R2

  • August 19th, JMcD: Stopped at 3 PM to wait for canoes (near Brule Narrows?). Thunder storm prevented continuing; spent night. (Ref. 11, p. 103)
  • August 1, 1800. Alexander Henry, The Younger, wrote "At three o'clock they [canoes heading east] passed on. The wind now abating a little, we embarked, and with great difficulty reached Petit Detroit [Brule Narrows] some time after dark. Just at this moment a black thunder-storm was collecting; we could not land, as a reef of rocks prevented approach to the shore; and, before we could reach a proper landing, the storm bust upon us, with thunder, lightning, rain, and a terrible squall from the W. We got under the lee of a large stone, where, all hands clinging to it, with much trouble we kept our conoes from being blown out upon the lake, where we must inevitably have perished." (Ref. 16, p. 19)

Dedicated fisherman on Rainy Lake
A wet Beaver Lodge Campsite


Details for June 12, June 13, June 14, June 15, June 16, June 17, June 18, June 19, June 20, June 21, June 22, June 23, June 24, June 25, June 26, June 27, June 28 or June 29

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Exit T2K

Last updated: Dec. 25, 2013