T2K -- Boundary Waters Fur Trade (La Verendrye) Route

June 20, 2000

Location Distance To,
Portage Length,
Total Miles
Including Portages
Rods Portaged
Crooked Lake     Windy and thundering at 6:00; rain stopped and wind subsided allowing us to leave camp at 10:00. Paddled in intermittent and sometimes heavy rain.
Thursday Bay, Crooked Lake 8.3   129.4 385 Ate lunch here.
Crooked Lake to Lower Basswood Falls portage 9.5   138.9 385 Passed Table Rock (eastern most point on Wednesday Bay) and Picture Rock.
Lower Basswood Falls Portage 0.1 30 139.0 415  
Basswood River 0.8   139.8 415  
Wheelbarrow Portage 0.2 50 139.9 465  
Basswood River 1.2   141.1 465  
Portage 0.1 30 141.2 495  
Basswood River 0.3   141.5 495  
Basswood Falls Portage 1.1 340 142.6 835  
Basswood Lake 2.0   144.6 835 On the way to an island campsite in Basswood Lake across from King Point, the wind started blowing from the south causing large swells and whitecaps. Strength of wind continued to increase after arriving at camp at 8:00. Small turtles were coming on shore to lay eggs.
Day's Total 23.5 450  
Maps: Fisher: F-17, F-10

  • August 16th, JMcD: Passed Grand des pins portage at 6 AM, Point des Bois portage at 7 AM, breakfasted on Crooked Lake. (Ref. 11, p 102)
  • In the Spring 1992 Boundary Waters Journal (Ref. 5, p 62) it stated "We made Table Rock on Wednesday Bay for lunch and while sitting on that remarkable granite slab, swapped some of the stories told about this site in the journals of the voyageurs." Table Rock was a common campsite for the voyageurs.
  • Alexander Mackenzie describes Picture Rock as "Within three miles of the last Portage is a remarkable rock, with a smooth fact, but split and cracked in different parts, which hang over the water. Into one of its horizontal chasms a great number of arrows have been shot, which is said to have been done by a war party of the Nadowasis or Sioux, who had done much mischief in ths country, and left these weapons as warning to the Chebois (Chippewa) or natives, that, notwithstanding its lakes, rivers, and rocks, it was not inaccessible to their enemies." Explorer David Thompson dates the visit at about 1730. (Ref. 4, p 25-26).
  • August 15th, JMcD: Slept at Little Basswood Portage (Ref. 11, p 102)

Table Rock


Details for June 12, June 13, June 14, June 15, June 16, June 17, June 18, June 19, June 20, June 21, June 22, June 23, June 24, June 25, June 26, June 27, June 28 or June 29

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Exit T2K

Last updated: November 28, 2013