Peace River Canoe Trip Journal

Thursday, July 31, 2003

Trip Log
9:30 am: Started paddling
5:30 pm: Found campsite
Today’s distance: 22.0 mi.
Trip Total: 351.7 mi.

GPS Readings (UTM)
Lunch: 12V 471479 6570782
Camp: 12V 474891 6582672
My taped journal for today started with “Happy Birthday, Pa. Wish I could be there to spend it with you”. He was celebrating his 98th birthday.

We got up at seven, ate and repacked the food barrels so that we would only have to open one the remainder of the trip. We paddled the tandem and towed the solo canoe which tracked best if the bow was close (about 6 inches) from the stern of the tandem. If it was further, the current would push it to one side or the other when we were not paddling parallel to the current.

The current was faster on the Slave than most of the Peace and we did not encounter any significant delays or problems towing the solo. Campsites continued to be scarce and we camped our last night on an island that was in reality, a high mud flat. Surprise! Sources of drinking water continue to be scarce so after supper and dishes, we boiled a large pot of water and let it set over night.

It doesn’t see possible that this is the last night of a trip that has been two years in the planning. It did not go exactly as planned, but few things do. The trip was good, special and very enjoyable.
Lunch on the Slave River
Last campsite of the trip

Journal Summary, July 8-13, July 14, July 15, July 16, July 17, July 18, July 19, July 20, July 21, July 22, July 23, July 24, July 25, July 26, July 27-28, July 29, July 30, July 31, August 1, August 2-3

Intro, Maps, History, Equipment, Personal Equipment, Menus
Exit Peace River Canoe Trip

Last updated: April 13, 2004