?? am: Started paddling 3:00 pm: Found campsite Today’s distance: 18.6 mi. Trip Total: 329.7 mi. GPS Readings (UTM) Lunch: 12V 476923 6540304 Camp: 12V 476034 6554752 |
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Paul was not feeling much better in the morning, but was able to paddle. We ate lunch at the junction of the Peace, Slave and Rochers Rivers. Paul decided to try to eat a little but that was a mistake as we had to stop about every 20 minutes after that. One stop was at the mouth of a stream and Chris and I were able to fill our water containers while Paul was taking care of business. The last stop of the day was at a cabin. It became obvious that Paul was not going to be able to continue. While he was drinking water, he had eaten very little food since Tuesday morning. We were concerned about his strength and dehydration so used the satellite phone we leased for possible emergencies to call Clayton Burke. We hoped to be able to arrange a pick-up prior to Fitzgerald tonight or tomorrow morning. His guide license required that he contacted WBNP in cases of emergencies. We gave him the satellite phone number. We did not hear anything for a couple of hours so we called back. He had tried to call, but could not reach us. We figured out later that numbers had been transposed. He told us the RCMP were on their way from Ft. Chip to pick Paul up. Because we were on the east side of the river, which is not in the park, it was under the jurisdiction of the RCMP. If we had been on the west side, it would have been the Parks Service. Five people including a nurse and nurse’s aid arrived at 8:45. They immediately started an IV and then took Paul back to Ft. Chip. We had repacked the canoes because we did not know what was going to happen. After the RCMP left, Chris and I unpacked and setup camp at Guy and Juanita’s cabin where we had been since mid-afternoon. |
Journal Summary, July 8-13, July 14, July 15, July 16, July 17, July 18, July 19, July 20, July 21, July 22, July 23, July 24, July 25, July 26, July 27-28, July 29, July 30, July 31, August 1, August 2-3
Intro, Maps, History, Equipment, Personal Equipment, Menus
Exit Peace River Canoe Trip