Peace River Canoe Trip

I visited northern Alberta in 2001, crossing the Peace River several times and traveling by boat from Peace Point to Fort Chipewyan. The history was fasinating and the country and people very inviting. This led to the idea of doing a canoe trip from Fort Dunvegan on the Peace River in western Alberta to Fitzgerald on the Slave River just south of the Northwest Territories. Friends were interested in doing the trip and plans were made for a 2003 trip. Until about three months before we were to leave, the trip was a go. Then things started to come apart and through circumstances beyond anyones control, the trip participants were reduced from eight to three.

Peace River in Wood Buffalo National Park east of Peace Point.

The information presented on this website is a combination of preliminary planning information, bits and pieces of history about the area and trip experiences. It does not contain information about how to canoe the Peace and Slave Rivers canoed on this trip. IT IS NOT A GUIDE on how to paddle this stretch. Rather, it is a sharing of an adventure enjoyed by three paddlers in 2003. It is hoped that those of you who stumble on this site will take away something of the magic of the Peace River Country of Alberta. Enjoy!

Exit Peace River Canoe Trip
Last updated: Nov. 20, 2013