Peace River Canoe Route

The route information on this webpage was used for planning purposes and lists various points along the way. Similar information for Fort Dunvegan to Fort Vermillion was also prepared for what was to have been the first half of the trip. Distances have been measured from the following Canadian 1/250,000 topo maps: John D'or Prairie (84J), Lake Claire (84I), Peace Point (84P), Ft. Chipewyan (74L) and Fitzgerald (74M).

Location Cumulative Distance,
mi. (km)
Fort Vermilion
0 (0)
Starting point for trip.
Boyer's Fort
Map: 84J
Select for discription of river to Peace Point
7 (11)
Site of what is believed to be the first fur trading poston the Peace River. It was built in 1788 by Charles Boyer. (Ref. 2)
Wabasca River & Colville House
34 (55)
Site of Hudson's Bay Company psot established in 1818. (Ref. 2)
Adam's Landing
44 (71)
Boat landing for road to John D'or Prairie. (Ref. 2) Can hear rapids from this point. (Ref. 4)
Vermilion Rapids Landing
49 (79)
Take-out before rapids and an advised campsite. (Ref. 4)
Portage (3.6 mi./6 km)
53 (85)
A combination of portaging and lining empty canoes can be used if water is low enough. Should plan on more than 1 day. (Ref. 4)
Little Red River & Wentzel's Post
57 (92)
Hudson's Bay Company trading post site from 1850's to 1950. Some buildings still standing in 1983. (Ref. 4)
Fox Lake (Road)
66 (106)
Cree settlement. 2 km from landing to a store. (Ref. 4)
Western Boundary of Wood Buffalo National Park
Map: 84I
93 (150)
Garden Creek
99 (159)
Cree settlement. (Ref. 4)
Little Fishery
118 (190)
Abandoned Cree settlement. (Ref. 4)
Gambling Point
123 (198)
Old meeting place for natives traveling the Peace River. (Ref. 4)
Jackfish River (not community)
Map: 84P
168 (270)
Water source. (Ref. 4)
Jackfish Warden Station
171 (275)
Excellent campsite. (Ref. 4)
Boyer Rapids
180 (290)
Class II rapids which can be avoided by stayig to left. (Ref. 4)
Peace Point
190 (306)
Historic native meeting place. Excellent campsite if camping is permited.
Point Providence
Map: 84I
Select for discription of river to Fitzgerald
225 (362)
Possible campsite. (Ref. 4)
Sweetgrass Landing
Map: 74L
233 (376)
Possible campsite
Carlson Landing
239 (385)
Possible campsite
Moose Island
245 (394)
Winter Road, cabin.
Rocky Point
251 (404)
Good campsite
Chenal des Quatre Fourches
252 (406)
Leave Peace River to get to Lake Athabasca
Old National Park cabin
259 (417)
Old cabin; good lunch/rest area. (Ref. 4)
Quatre Fourches
279 (450)
Intersection of four branches.
Fort Chipewyan
287 (462)
At carin.
Fort Chipewyan/English Island
289 (465)
Site of Nottingham House. Posible campsite.
Chilloneys Creek
300 (482)
Paddle Riviere des Rochers from Lake Athabasca to the Slave River
Little Rapids (portage)
308 (496)
Rock weir located at rapids. (Ref. 4)
Intersectin with Slave River
319 (514)
Rocky Islands
Map: 74M
326 (524)
"Mosquito free" campsite (I'll believe it when I see it!) (Ref. 4)
Primrose Rapids
335 (539)
Minor fast water. (Ref. 4)
Demicharge Rapids
345 (556)
Fast water. (Ref. 4)
La Butte
353 (568)
Place where buffalo reintroduced to Wood Buffalo National Park. (Ref. 4)
Hay Camp
362 (583)
Old park warden's station. (Ref. 4)
Stoney Island
367 (591)
Old limestone quarry. (Ref. 4)
388 (525)
Pick-up point for drive to Ft. Smith
References (numbers same as on history page) 2. K. Gabriel, "The Mighty Peace Carcajou - Fifth Meridian", Heritage Committee, Fort Vermilion Agricultural Society, August 1994.
4. Halle Flygare, Sir Alexander Mackenzie Historic Waterways in Alberta, Recreation, Parks and Wildlife Foundation of Alberta, 1983.

Intro, Maps, History, Equipment, Personal Equipment, Menus
Exit Peace River Canoe Trip

Last updated: April 10, 2004