Peace River Canoe Route

Distances have been measured from the following Canadian 1/250,000 topo maps: Grande Prairie (83M), Winagami (83N), Peace River (84C), Bison Lake (84F) and Mount Watt (84K).

Location Cumulative Distance,
mi. (km)
Ft. Dunvegan
Map: 83M
Select for discription of river to Ft. Vermilion
Starting point first half trip. Excellent tour and campground facilities.
  • Dunvegan bridge as built in 1960; longest in Alberta
  • Site visted by Alexander Mackenzie on May 11, 1793. Camped on the flats with Beaver Indians
  • Carin at site of original fort built by Norman McLeod in 1805
  • Catholic Mission founded in 1866.
  • Anglican Mission founded in 1879.
Saddle (Burnt) River
20 (32)
Picnic area on island. (Ref. 1)
Elk Island Park
Map: 83N
26 (42)
Beautiful secluded campsite. 6 hours paddle from Ft. Dunvegan. (Ref. 1)
Kieyho (Eagle) Park
30 (48)
May be difficult to get into because of water level. Has water pump. 45 minute paddle from Elk Island. (Ref. 1)
Mushikitee Island
Map: 84C
41 (66)
Good campsite at west end of high island. Old voyageur encampment. (Ref. 4)
Tangent Park Campground
48 (77)
Nice campground. Requires about .25 walk from river. 4.5 hour paddle from Kieyho Park (Ref. 1)
Mackenzie's Lookout
49 (79)
High, prominent grassy knob in the hills where Mackenzie's men watched for his return in 1793. (Ref. 1)
Anglican Mission
51 (82)
Site of an historic Anglican mission built in 1887. There is also an old cemetery here. (Ref. 1)
Alexander Mackenzie Cairn & Fort Fork
54 (87)
Mackenzie arrived here on Nov. 1, 1792 (Ref. 4) and spent the winter at Fort Fork, directly across from the cairn. 1.25 hour paddle from Tangent Park. (Ref. 1)
Strong Creek Park
56 (90)
Campsites and water available. 0.5 hours paddling from Mackenzie Cairn; may encounter some very shallow water. (Ref. 1)
Town of Peace River
64 (103)
12 Foot Davis Provincial Historical Park located on east side of river.
Tar Island
77 (125)
Asphalt was collected here in the early 1900's for use in tarring roofs and river boats in Peace River. (Ref. 4)
Thirty-mile Well
92 (148)
Site of early oil exploration.
Island Campsite
93 (151)
Good campsite. (Ref. 4)
McLeod's Fort & Whitemud River
101 (163)
Post mentioned by MacKenzie in 1792. (Ref. 4)
Cadotte River
108 (175)
Campsite, good water and good fishing. River named for Jean Baptiste Cadottee, a fur trading partner of Alexander Henry the Elder in the late 1700's. (Ref. 4)
Horseshoe House
125 (201)
Alexander Roderick McLoed established an outpost here in 1803. Visited by David Thompson in 1804. (Ref. 4)
South Boundary of Notikewin Provincial Park
Map: 84F
157 (254)
Camping along shore and on islands is permitted (1983), but no open fires. (Ref. 4)
Notikewin River & Battle River Post
167 (270)
Hudson's Bay company psot established here in 1870's.
Grizzlies have been reported in the Park. (Ref. 4)
Notikewin Provencial Park
168 (271)
Campground and drinking water. (Ref. 4) Highway 692.
Oil Pipeline
171 (275)
Wolverine River
223 (360)
Clean drinking water and good fishing. (Ref. 4)
228 (367)
Near Highway 695. Historical information related to the Peace River from Carcajour to western boundary of Wood Buffalo National Park is given elsewhere in this website.
Buffalo River
234 (378)
Clean drinking water and good fishing. (Ref. 4)
Tompkins Landing Ferry
245 (396)
Campground with water. Highway 697.
La Fleur's Post
Map: 84K
259 (417)
Site of North West Company fort established by J. B. La Fleure in 1798. (Ref. 2)
Big Horse Recreation Area
265 (427)
Campground shown on topo map.
West La Crete Landing
275 (444)
Old river boat landing. (Ref. 2)
Etna's Landing
281 (453)
Aspin House
286 (461)
Site of North West Company post established by John Findley in 1792. (Ref. 2)
Aspin House Recreation Area
288 (465)
Campground shown on topo map.
Oliver's Island
300 (484)
Trees logged here to build the reiver boat SS Peace River that was launched in 1905. (Ref. 2)
Prairie Point
307 (495)
Old farmsted.
Stoney Point
322 (520)
Site of first Experimental Farm in the area. Estblished in 1907. (Ref. 2)
Fort Vermilion
327 (528)
Crew members doing half of trip meet here.
References (numbers same as on history page) 1. "Peace River, Map/Guide for River Travel", Peace Valley Conservation, Recreation and Tourism Society, 1993.
2. K. Gabriel, "The Mighty Peace Carcajou - Fifth Meridian", Heritage Committee, Fort Vermilion Agricultural Society, August 1994.
4. Halle Flygare, Sir Alexander Mackenzie Historic Waterways in Alberta, Recreation, Parks and Wildlife Foundation of Alberta, 1983.

Intro, Maps, History, Equipment, Personal Equipment, Menus
Exit Peace River Canoe Trip

Last updated: April 10, 2004