9:30 am: Started paddling 2:30 pm: Arrived at Peace Point Today’s distance: 19.5 mi. Trip Total: 186.1 mi. GPS Readings (UTM) Lunch: 12V 410304 6560457 Camp: 12V 417193 6554965 |
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It took about 2 hours to reach Boyer Rapids. In contrast to yesterday, the canoe seemed to glide on the water. The water upriver of the rapids had a few riffles and eddies. There was a clear side stream as we entered the left channel around the island so we stopped for water. The filters were completely clogged. This meant we had to fill the containers with the clear water and used Polar Pure. We continued down the channel and there was no sign of rough water or rapids. We stopped for lunch and then paddled to Peace Point arriving at 2:30. As we pulled up to the landing, a family was leaving in a boat. This was the second boat we saw on the trip. We pulled the canoes out of the water and walked up to the Cree settlement of Peace Point where there are only two families living now. Charlie Simpson was not there so we went to the cabin of his niece and nephew, Charlie Weymer. Charlie invited us to visit. About two hours and a couple of pots of coffee later, he offered us the use of his Explorer to get our gear from the canoes. He had asked if we wanted to camp in his yard to which we said yes. We loaded the gear into the car and carried the canoes up on the bank and tied them down to guard against winds coming down the river. Peace Point is about 60 miles south of Ft. Smith and in the summer, it is at the end of a gravel road; the winter road is not open. Charlie W, his wife and son live here and have an apartment in Ft. Smith where she is going to school to complete her education through 12th grade. The cabin is very comfortable but does not have indoor plumbing. It is heated with propane and a wood stove. Their shower is outside where he said three people can take a shower in 10 minutes in the winter! The outhouse in insulated, heated and has lights - very nice. They have a rain barrel to catch water from the roof for washing, etc. Drinking water is brought in from Ft. Smith when they can. After more visiting, Charlie offered to cook hot dogs, chicken and prairie chicken if we would provide the potatoes. We whole-heartedly agreed and cooked up some potato/cheese mix. After supper, Charlie took us for a ride on the ‘side roads’ where we saw two bear and some of the country. While driving we meet a car from Illinois. Before we returned to the cabin, we drove down to the landing and visited with the people. It turns out they were from south of Chicago, two friends and a nephew of one of the men. They were canoers who had been in the Boundary Waters many times and had been to the Chainsaw Sisters bar at the end of the portage to Mudrow Lake, a place Chris had stopped at more than once! After returning to the cabin, we visited and hit the sack at about 10:30. Charlie invited us to sleep in the house. Paul accepted the offer and slept on the couch. After 9 days on the water, I was in no condition to sleep in anyone’s house without a very long, good shower! |
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Journal Summary, July 8-13, July 14, July 15, July 16, July 17, July 18, July 19, July 20, July 21, July 22, July 23, July 24, July 25, July 26, July 27-28, July 29, July 30, July 31, August 1, August 2-3
Intro, Maps, History, Equipment, Personal Equipment, Menus
Exit Peace River Canoe Trip