June 8th (Day 6)   |
- Putin at Wolf Creek Bridge; on the water at 8:45 am
- Crew change at Mountain Palace (arrived 11:30 am, left 12:50 pm; 18.7 mi./30.2 km)
- Watched an eagle catch fish while we ate lunch
- Talkout at Wing Dam (Cascade) at (3:10 pm; 14.6 mi./23.5 km)
- Distance canoed; 33.3 mi./53.7 km
- Camped at Prewitt Creek RV
The first decison of the day (other than what to eat and pack for lunch) was which put-in to use. The Holter Dam putin was essentially across the river but the drive to it was several miles longer than to the Wolf Creek putin down stream...the shorter drive won out. Gear was packed and we were on our way.
Wayne was leaving us today so he could be home for his son's graduation from university. A group picture was definitely warranted before farewells and sincere hugs were exchanged.
 Wayne stows gear one last time |
 Love that smile |
The water was fast, the paddlers in sync and it wasn't long before we arrived at the Mountain Palace crew change point. The morning ground crew had not arrived yet so we relaxed and took in the surrounding scenery. The ground crew scouted two different campgrounds. When they arrived at Mountain Palace, notes were compared and they took a short drive to check out the Prewitt RV Park. Reservations were made there for two nights. |
For lunchtime entertainment we were treated to watching an eagle land a fish followed by aerial stunts - fish firmly clamped in its talons - and landing high atop a cliff to enjoy lunch. We did too.    |
The fast water continued for the first part of the afternoon but slowed down as we approached the Wing Dam takeout near Cascade. Nature showed off more of its beauty. The relatively early takeout allowed plenty of time to setup camp, relax, explore the area and have a leisurely dinner. A rain storm with some very strong winds moved through camp late in the afternoon. We scrambled to save the tents and canopes from taking flight. Fortunately it was short lived. |
 At Mountain Palace Access |
 A 'pipe' |
 Seasoned paddlers, strong strokes, perfect synchrocity |
 Wildlife on the river and in camp |
 Hey Richard, where is your tent going? Thanks, Gene! |
 Capt. Bob presides at the nightly team meeting |
Day's Coordinates |
Putin |
Wolf Creek Bridge FAS |
N 47 01.190 |
W 112 00.609 |
Crew Change |
Mountain Palace Ramp |
N 47 09.700 |
W 111 49.391 |
Takeout |
Wing Dam FAS |
N 47 16.903 |
W 111 41.374 |
Campsite |
Prewitt Creek RV Campground |
N 47 10.333 |
W 111 49.474 |
Introduction, The Crew, June 2, June 3, June 4, June 5, June 6, June 7, June 8, June 9, June 10, June 11, June 12, June 13
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