It was misting when we woke and it continued must of the day. Once up, we packed our personal gear and took down our tent; breakfast was at 8:05 with launch targetted for nine. It took a little longer to get on the water today as Alex matched canoes, people/personal gear and crew gear so all canoes were balanced. He then placed a piece of colored tape on the bow of each canoe and affixed a similar colored piece to each piece of crew gear in that canoe. We were responsible for those pieces of gear the entire trip. |
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Fortunately there was little wind during most of the day. A stop was made at on old trapper's cabin with many pieces of rusty equipment scattered around. Bill paddled bow and Sharon stern today and most of the trip. | ![]() |
We had our only rapids of the trip today. They were probably a Class 2 but pretty straight forward. Essentially, you had to do follow the tongues with some maneuvering to get lined up. Alex asked us to go third to lead the fourth canoe through. Midway throught the rapids, Peder and Maida waved as they went by and we sat on a rock. We were able to rock the canoe off the rock but in doing so we were going down the rapids backwards. With a quick eddy turn and a 180, we made it down the rapids with no further problems. All the others made it through without problem and were waiting at the bottom fully expecting to have to rescue paddlers, canoe and gear. Fortunately, their help was not needed. | ![]() |
Lunch stops gave us all a chance to re-fuel ourselves, stretch our legs and explore the area. Lunches were laid out in three areas: main course, drink and dessert. Main course: Wasa rye bread, honey butter, peanut butter, jelly and a selection of 3-4 canned meats...chicken, tuna of a variety of seasonings, ham, sardines, escargot, salmon, etc. Drink station: powdered drink of varying flavors. Dessert: A variety of chocolate (Cadbury), dried fruit and nuts. It was up to you how much you wanted at each station...never a shortage. | ![]() |
Once at camp, we got into the routine...unload, washout and carry canoes up from shore; never place gear at the unloading place, but carry it directly to the place selected by Alex. This prevented packs from accidently falling back into the water or being left at the shore and also avoid excessive wear from sand and rocks. All packs were placed on their back with the bottom facing the sun to dry. We were then were able to setup our tents. | ![]() |
Once camp was set up, we were free to do as we wished: explore the area, take a nap, enjoy the company of others in camp, and/or reflect on the day. Alex did the cooking with dinner served at seven. | ![]() Caribou track View of the lake Squirrel run Victor and Barb Caribou antlers |
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