Northern Tier High Adventure Base

During the 1990's and early 2000's, Troop 22 took several trips to Northern Tier High Adventure Base. The trip reports for the following trips are from notes, maps and pictures. Multiple crews went most years, each doing a different route. The trips listed below are the only ones for which I have information.


Most contingents attending Northern Tier High Adventure Base consist of multiple crews. Once at the base, each crew operates as an independent unit. Each crew is assigned an Interpreter, a trained summer staff member who accompanies the crew on the entire trip. The Interpreters primary jobs are to prepare the crew for their trip and work with the youth leaders during the trip.

After arriving at base and checking in there are many things to do. Gear is checked out, inspected and tested. Menus and food are reviewed, supplemented and packed. Canoes are selected; life vests and paddles are picked to fit each paddler. Trip route options are discussed and the crew selects the route they will canoe. And orientations are attended on base rules and the requirements for the area(s) they will enter. Lots of things to do!

After breakfast the next day, the crews gather their gear and go through the final checkout to be sure nothing has been left behind. It is then time to get on the water!.

Most participants kept some notes and took pictures on the trip. The only information I currently have access to are my scrapbooks for the trips. They consist on maps, tables of lakes and distances traveled each day and pictures, many without comments. These webpages are the digital version of these scrapbooks based on this information and memories rekindled when reading the scrapbooks. If more information becomes available about these or additional high adventure trips taken by Troop 22, the site will be updated.