ADAM TOUCHES GOD (White Otter Wilderness Trip)

Trip Background

In 1996, Troop 22 of Los Alamos, NM took a nine-day canoe trip in the Ontario's White Otter Wilderness. The trip was taken through the Boy Scouts of America's Northern Tier High Adventure Base located at Atikokan, Ontario. The trip consisted of four senior scouts, three adults and an Interpreter from the canoe base. The trip was particularly memorable because of the route taken and the leadership, attitude and perseverance of the scouts.

Troop 22 typically rotated summer high adventure activities between two or three different bases. In 1996, the troop was scheduled to go to Philmont. There was a small group of scouts who had been there before and wanted to return to the National High Adventure Canoe Base. This lead to the trip that would become known as Adam Touches God because of the resemblance to the shape of the portages around Gamble River and to Lake Adele to the Michelangelo painting on the Sistine Chapel ceiling.

This website is a digitized update of a scrapbook made after the trip. Unfortunately, the scrapbook contained only a table describing the route and pictures. Thus, all the descriptions have been filtered by 20 years of selective memory.

The Trip

June 16: Traveled to Minnesota

June 17: Arrive at canoe base, pack gear, plan route

June 18: Canoe to Wasp Lake

June 19: Big water today
The Trip

The Crew

Front row: Davis Thomsen, Zack Browning
Back row: Bob Thomsen, Todd Erickson, Bill Erickson,
Chris Matte, Brant Wilson, Steve Zygmunt

June 20: Would you believe a 1 mile/5 hour portage?

June 21: Adam Touches God portage took 6 hours today!

June 22: Five easy portages today

June 23: Took the morning off

June 24: Eleven miles with early afternoon camp arrival

June 25: Worst campsite of the trip

June 26: Arrived at base 1:30

Introduction, June 16, June 17, June 18, June 19, June 20, June 21, June 22, June 23, June 24, June 25, June 26

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Last updated: Dec. 28, 2016