Today ended a very memorable trip. A heavy morning dew greeted us this morning from a night spent constantly positioning ourselves around the roots that covered every square foot of camp. After breakfast and breaking camp, we enjoyed the trip down the Eye River to Ear Lake (gotta love the lake names), did a half-mile portage around the Eye River falls and ate lunch on the Seine River. From there we paddled to Perch Lake and the canoe base arriving at 1:30. Gear was turned checked in, showers and saunas were enjoyed by all there was time to rest before dinner. That evening we added Adam Touches God portage to the Map Room map. Thus we concluded a most memorable trip. A group of senior Scouts chose to challenge themselves and in so doing, created memories that will last a lifetime. And how good was the feeling for us adults that we could indeed keep up with those young whipper snappers. Not saying that they didn't have to drag use along at a few points, but hey, we made it. Four years later, four of the crew members (Steve, Brandt, Todd and Bill) joined three other Troop 22 alumni for another memorable trip that also challenge us, T2K, a 270-mile canoe trip from International Falls to Lake Superior. |
Introduction, June 16, June 17, June 18, June 19, June 20, June 21, June 22, June 23, June 24, June 25, June 26
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