August 21

Another day with threatening weather. So much so that many of us donned rain gear at the Saunders put-in. Fortunately, we only got occasional showers. The great canoeing continued with more rapids to surf and stretches where we could get into "Brigade mode".

We stopped for a prelunch break and when we got to shore, discovered a geocache was hidden nearby (GC1GHN1, The Great River Run - Camp #1). It was the first find for some of the crew.

We made one additional stop at an old ferry crossing for lunch before taking out at Horburg. We covered the 45 km (28 mi.) in 4.2 hours (excluding stops).

To the put-in

We're off!

Checking out the rapids

Anyone paddling back there?

All's good in this canoe!

Lunch time

What's a reunion without a cake?

Northwoods culinary artistry

And who is having fun now?

Trip Summary, Aug. 18, Aug. 19, Aug. 20, Aug. 21, Aug. 22

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