Our first home away from home

Total 2010 Hawk camper nights: 278 and counting

2010: 9, 2011: 65, 2012: 19, 2013: 15, 2014: 10, 2015: 7, 2016: 58, 2017: 95


When we bought our 2018 Hawk camper, we decided we would try to take a picture of the campground and the camper at each place we camped. The format has changes slightly over the years, but looking back at the pictures has brought back many memories.

And then a casual comment by Sharon that it would have been nice to have had a similar scrapbook for our 2010 Hawk camper. Since no effort was made to take pictures at each campsite, it would be very difficult to do so. But here is an attempt to document the our 2010 Hawk camping adventures. The day's information will vary from pictures of both the location and the camper to just one of them to just pictures of the day to just a few words. And some will be missed all together.

Click links to see pictures. Once there, use the browser back arrow to return to this page.

Note: The links below work when using Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome. If you have problems using the links in Foxfire, click any YEAR and then scroll down.
2010 2011 2012 2013
2014 2015 2016 2017
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