July 20

What Happened Our trip concluded with an enjoyable morning paddle from Whitney throught Edwards Lake to Indian Lake. We were unloading our canoes by 10:30. Pictures were taken and the drivers hiked to retreave the cars. The prospects of bad weather with head winds lead to us deciding to take out on Indian Lake instead of paddling to where we put-in.

Once at the campground we showered, set-up our tents and repacked our gear in preparation to heading home tomorrow. It was then into Vermilion Bay for dinner.

Canoes: Bill and Jim, Terry and Dick, Don and Steve

Trip's end: 15 U 463978 5530532
Jim's Journal We were on the water at 8:30 a.m. with clearing skies. We thought it would rain through the night, but it didn’t. We still thought it would rain because clouds were coming in and so was the wind. Long story, but the bottom line is we cut our trip short by a few miles and we got out at Indian Lake. Instead of paddling to the waiting cars the drivers had to walk to their cars from the take-out (about 2 miles). We did 5.7 miles today.

It was a good one!

July 15, July 16, July 17, July 18, July 19, July 20 or Return to Summary

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