Our homes away from home


When we bought our Four Wheel 2018 Hawk camper, we decided we would try to take a picture of the campground and the camper at each place we camped. The format has changed slightly over the years, but looking back at the pictures has brought back many memories.

And then a casual comment by Sharon that it would have been nice to have had a similar scrapbook for our Four Wheel 2010 Hawk camper. Since that remark, an effort has been to create a similar record for the 2010 Hawk camper. The day's information varies from pictures of both the location and the camper to just one of them to just pictures of the day to just a few words. And some will be missed all together.

You can check out our
2024 trips
2018 to present adventures in our 2018 Hawk Camper
2010 - 2017 advenures in our 2010 Hawk Camper
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