YAH-TAH-HEY-SI-KESS Lodge 66 Solid Embroidered (S Series) Flaps |
| A: Snn B: Snn 66: Snn |
Arapaho II designation. Blue Book designation. Lodge 66 designation for unlisted patches. |
 | A: S1 B: S1 | The first fully embroidered patch issued by Lodge 66. The patch does not have any BSA insignia on it. The red border indicates the patch is for Ordeal members. A variety of this patch from a second order has a lighter brown background and a different shade sky. Size: 115 x 51 mm. Issued: May 1972. |
A: S2 B: S2 |
This patch is the same design as S1 with a blue border signifying Brotherhood membership. Varieties include an issue with a ligher brown background/different shade sky and a plastic backed issue. Size: 115 x 51 mm. Issued: 1972. |
A: S3 B: S3 |
This patch, of the same design as S1, has a white border and was issued to Vigil Honor members. A variety exists with a lighter brown background and a different shade sky. Size: 115 x 51 mm. Issued: 1972. |
A: S4 B: S4 |
The design of patch S4 is the same as S1 with the additon of the yellow fluer-de-lis. The patch was for Ordeal members. Size: 115 x 51 mm. Issued: 1976. |
A: S5 B: S5 |
The design of patch S5 is the same as S2 with the addition of the yellow fluer-de-lis. It was for Brotherhood members. Size: 115 x 51 mm. Issued: 1976. |
A: S6 B: S6 |
The design of patch S6 is the same as S3 with the addtion of the yellow fluer-de-lis. It was for Vigil Honor members. Size: 115 x 50 mm. Issued: 1976. |
A: S7 B: S7 |
This was Lodge 66's 50th anniversary patch. Is used the same design as the S4-6 series with the addition of white numberals 33 - 83; the border was gold. Size: 115 x 50 mm. Issued: 1983. Number issued: 865. |
A: S8 B: S8 |
This red-bordered patch was issued to Oredal members. The design was selected by vote of lodge youth members in a design contest. The 66 inside the Zia sun symbol was yellow. Size: 128-130 x 52 mm. Issued: 1983. |
A: S9 B: S9 |
The blue-bordered patch of the same design as S8 and had a yellow 66. It was issued to Brotherhood members. Size: 130 x 52 mm. Issued: 1983. |
A: S10 B: S10 |
The white-bordered patch of the same design as S8 and had a yellow 66. It was issued to Vigil Honor members. Size: 127 x 51 mm. Issued: 1983. |
A: S11 B: S11 |
The gold-bordered patch of the same design as S8 had a black 66. It was issued to participants of the Lodge Spring and Fall Conclaves and the Christmas Banquet. Size: 128 x 51 mm. Issued: May 1984. Number Issued: 600. |
A: S12 B: S12 |
The red-bordered patch of the same design as S8 had a black 66. The blue portion of the Kachina head had vertical stitching. It was issued to Brotherhood members. Size: 122 x 50 mm. Issued: 1984. |
A: S12 B: S12 |
A second variety of S12 was issued to Ordeal members. A different manaufacturer was used and resulted in a longer patch. This varitey of S12 has the shorter lines under the Kachina head and more yellow outside the wing tips. Several different lengths of this variety exist. These differences resulted from various loom runs and manufactures. Size: 128-134 x 51 mm. |
A: S13 B: S13 |
The blue-bordered patch of the same design as S9 had a black 66. The blue portion of the Kachina head had vertical stitching. It was issued to Brotherhood members. Size: 122 x 50 mm. Issued: 1984. |
A: S13 B: S13 |
This variety of S13 shows the short lines under the Kachina head and the increased amount of yellow outside the wing tips. It was issued to Brotherhood members. Size: 128-134 x 51 mm. |
A: S14 B: S14 |
This white-bordered patch of the same design as S10 was issued to Vigil Honor members. It had the vertical blue stitching on the Kachina head, the short lines under the head, more yellow outside the wing tips and a black 66. (Note: There was not a 122 mm. Vigil variety because of the large stock of S10 patches.) Size: 128-134 x 51 mm. |
A: S15 B: S15 |
A silver-bordered patch of the S12-S14 design with the addition of the BSA 75th Anniversary diamond. It was issued in commemoration of the BSA 75th anniversary. Size: 133 x 49 mm. Issued: 1985. Number issued: 1000. |
A: S16 B: S16 |
Commerative issue for the 50th anniversary of Philmont Scout Ranch which is in the area served by Lodge 66. The patches were solid with the procedes going to the Lodge campership fund. Size: 125 x 57 mm. Issued: March 1988. Number issued: 1000. |
A: S17 B: S17 |
A red-bordered patch of the same design as S12 and issued to Oredeal members. The patch differs from all other patches of this design by blue horizontal stitching in the Kachina head. Size: 133 x 51 mm. Issued: August 1988. |
A: S18 B: S18 |
A blue-bordered patch of the same design as S13 and issued to Brotherhood members. The stitching of the Kachina head is horizontal. Size: 134 x 51 mm. Issued: August 1988. |
A: S19 B: S19 |
A white-bordered patch of the same design as S14 and issued to Vigil Honor members. The stitching on the Kachina head is horizontal. Size: 130 x 51 mm. Issued: August 1988. |
A: B: S20 |
A black-bordered patch of the same design as S12-14 with the exception the Kachina's wing tips are white, not black, and the 66 is red. The patch is earned by serving as an Elangomat. Size: 131 x 54 mm. |
A: B: S21 |
A silver-bordered commerative patch for the 75th anniversary of the Great Southwest Council. The patch is of the same design as S20 with the addition of the words "GREAT SOUTHWEST COUNCIL" on one line and "YAH-TAH-HEY-SI-KESS 75 YEARS" on the second. Size: 128 x 55 mm. |
A: B: 66: S22 |
The same border and design as S21. The lettering was changed to have "GREAT SOUTHWEST COUNCIL 75 YEARS" on the first and the lodge name by itself on the second. Size: 128 x 55 mm. |
A: B: 66: S23 |
A red-bordered patch of the same design as S20. The patch was issued to Ordeal members and was designed to wear with the 1994 Spring Conclave patch (See Conclave Patch section.) Size: 130 x 52 mm. |
A: B: 66: S24 |
A blue-bordered patch of the same design as S20 with the white wing tips and red 66. The patch was issued to Brotherhood members. Size: 130 x 52 mm. |
A: B: 66: S25 |
A white-bordered batch with the same design as S20 and with white wing tips and red 66. The patch was issued to Vigil Honor members. Size: 130 mm x 52 mm. |
A: B: 66: S26 |
Special patch issued when Lodge 66 served as the Service Lodge at the 1995 National OA Retreat at Philmont. The patch was designed by Bryce Bowden. Size: 130 x 60 mm. Issued: 1995. |
A: B: 66: S27 |
Part of a special two-piece patch issued as a fund raiser for those going to the 1998 NOAC. See X11 for the bottom part. It is a laser cut edge patch; the patch was designed by Tony Bertram. Size: 123 x 53 mm. Issued: 1997. Number Issued: 250. |
A: B: 66: S28 |
This patch was issued in recognition of Lodge 66 member Mat Milleson being elected National Chief of the Order of the Arrow. Size: 125 x 50 mm. Issued: April 1998. Number Issued: 1000. |
A: B: 66: S29 |
Part of a special two-piece patch issued to Lodge members attending the 1998 NOAC. See X1? for the bottom part. It is a laser cut edge patch; the patch was designed by Tony Bertram. Size: 125 x 54 mm. Issued: 1998. Number Issued: |
A: B: 66: S30 |
Issued to Ordeal members. Size: 128 x 52 mm. |
A: B: 66: S31 |
Issued to Brotherhood members. Size: 129 x 52 mm. |
A: B: 66: S31 |
Issued to Brotherhood members. When compared side by side with the patch above, the flap differs in the shape of the thunderbird (narrower in the thickness of the wings near the body) and the border color (darker blue). Because the differences are not readly obvious when not compared side-by-side, the flap is classified as a variety instead of a separate issue. The flap was produced by the High Desert Scout Shop without authorization of the Lodge Executive Committee. Size: 126 x 51 mm. |
A: B: 66: S32 |
Issued to Vigil Honor members. Size: 128 x 51 mm. |
A: B: 66: S33 |
Flap for Ordeal members. This flap was produced and sold by the High Desert Scout Shop. It was not approved by the Lodge Executive Council. Size: 127 x 52 mm. |
A: B: 66: S34 |
Flap for Brotherhood members. This flap was produced and sold by the High Desert Scout Shop. It was not approved by the Lodge Executive Council. Size: 127 x 52 mm. Issued: Number Issued: |
A: B: 66: S35 |
Flap for Vigil members. This flap was produced and sold by the High Desert Scout Shop. It was not approved by the Lodge Executive Council. Size: 127 x 53 mm. |
A: B: 66: S36 |
2000 NOAC flap issued to raise funds and as a trading flap. Top portion of a two-piece set. Size: 128 x 56 mm. |
A: B: 66: S37 |
2000 NOAC flap issued to participants. Top portion of two-piece set. 128 x 57 mm. |
A: B: 66: S38 |
Ordeal membership flap. Size: 126 x 51 mm. |
A: B: 66: S39 |
Brotherhood member flap. Size: 125 x 51 mm. |
A: B: 66: S40 |
Vigil Honor member flap. Size: 125 x 51 mm. |
A: B: 66: S41 |
Lodge flap issued for the 2001 National Jamboree. It was part of a set consiting of a Council Shoulder Patch, the flap and a pocket patch. The numbers on the chili peppers were the Great Southwest Council contingent troop numbers. Size: 113 x 53 mm. |
A: B: 66: S42 |
On September 15, 2001, the Lodge 66 Executive Council voted to give $250 each to the United Way and the American Red Cross to be used for relief efforts in New York City. This flap was created to fund these donations. Size: 120 x 55 mm. Date Issued: Number Issued: 300. |
A: B: 66: S43 |
This patch was issued as a fund raiser and to commerate the 75th anniversary of Route 66 which passed through our Council (Intersate 40 follows Route 66 through New Mexico). The patch was designed by Tony Bertram. Size: 127 x 54 mm. Issued: July 2002. Number Issued: 300 |
A: B: 66: S44 |
This trading/fund-raising flap issued for the 2002 NOAC is part of a two piece set. The flap commerates the 60th anniversary of the Navajo Codetalkers of WWII fame. The Navajo Indian Reservation is part of the Great Southwest Council and Lodge 66. The flap has a laser cut-edge. Size: 114 x 48 mm. |
A: B: 66: S45 |
2002 NOAC participant patch. Top of a two part set. Size: 114 x 47 mm. |
A: B: QS1 66: Z1S |
These patches were made by Chicago Embroidery, did not meet Lodge specifications and were returned. Some of these patches are being traded as "Anniversary" issues. Size: 129 x 52 mm. Made: 1983. Number Issued: 0 (600 were made). |