Packs in bold are currently active.

The Packs - Who, When and Where
Pack Sponsor Meeting Place
Central School PTA (1964 - 1965)
Pinon PTA (1967)
Chamisa PTO (1968 to present)
Central School (1964 - 1965)
Pinon Elementary School (1967)
Chamisa Elementary School (1968 to present)
Los Alamos PTA (1946 - 1950)
United Church of Los Alamos (1950 - present)
Scout Building (1946 - 1948)
Nursary School (1948)
Youth Lodge (1949)
Mesa Elementary School (1950 - 1982)
Aspen Elementary School (1982 to present)
First Baptist Church (1950 - 1967)
Los Alamos Lions Club (1967 to present)
Aspen Elementary School (1951)
Mountain Elementary School (1952 to present)
Knight of Columbus (1953 - 1968) Scout Lodge (1953)
Mesa Elementary School (1954 - 1957)
Parish Hall (1957 - 1968)
Canyon School PTA (1950 - 1971) Canyon Elementary School (1950 - 1971)
Aspen PTA (1951 - 1980)
Christian Church (1983)
Aspen Elementary School (1951 - 1980)
Christian Church (1983)
Los Alamos LDS Church (1962 to present) Los Alamos LDS Church (1962 to present)
American Legion Post 90 (1952 - 1955)
Aspen PTA (1955 - 1967)
Pinon PTA (1970 - 1980)
Mountain Elementary School (1954)
Aspen Elementary School (1955 - 1967)
Pinon Elementary School (1970 - 1980)
Mountain PTA (1958 - 1965) Mountain Elementary School (1958 - 1965)
Barranca Mesa PTO (1963 to present) Barrance Mesa Elementary School (1963 to present)
Pinon PTO (1965 to present) Pinon Elementary School (1965 - present)
Veterans of Foreign Wars (1953 - 1954)
Central School PTA (1957 - 1958)
Pajarito PTO (1959 - 1967)
?? (1953 - 1954)
Central School (2957 - 1958)
Pajarito Elementary School (1959 - 1967)
White Rock LDS Church (1979 to present) White Rock LDS Church (1979 to present)

Status of
Copied unit registration records at Scout Office. Have copies of all recharter information.
Pack 20 was originally chartered in Albuquerque during the 1950's and then disbanded. The number was then issued to the Los Alamos pack in 1964 under the sponsorship of the Central School PTA; Robert Klaer was the first Cubmaster. The registration was dropped in 1965. A new charter was issued to the Pinon School PTA in 1967 with Bobby Dye as Cubmaster. In 1968 the Pack moved to Chimsa School and was sponsored by the Chimsa PTA; they have sponsored the pack since that time.
Robert Klaer, Bobby Dye, Jesse Rosenthal, Robert Stapleton, James L Anderson, James Sahling, William Broste, Allan Murdock, Keith Taggert, Phil Stand, William (Rob) Oakes, Joey Donahue, Daniel Varley, Richard Oldenberg, Ronald Barber and Daniel Nettuno.
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Status of
Copied unit registration records at Scout Office. Missing 1996 recharter.
The first charter/recharter record of file at the Scout Office was for 1946. The Partent Teachers Association was the sponsor and Irving Abrams was the Cubmaster. The PTA sponsored Pack 22 until 1950. The United Church has been the sponsor since that time. In 1950/1951, about 170 Cubscouts were members of Pack 22.
Irving Abrams, Glenn Andrews, Vanner Holmes, Frank Bridgers, Fred Karlin, John Tucker, Neil Whyte, John Orndoff, Richard Thomsas, Walter Bush, George Jarvis, James Gilmore, Fred Ribe, Howard Cady, Robert Masterson, William Bradley, Boyd O'Connell, Stewart Atkinson, Dan Miller, Marian Royer, Robert Hamm, James Pallone Sr., Pat Chavez, Jerry Gregory, Darrell Troy, Herman Ramsey, Robert Remillard, Charles Richardson, Joseph Zowin and Cecilia Johnson.
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Status of
Interviewed former Cubmaster. Copied unit registration records at Scout Office. Missing years 1953, 1965 and part of 1989.
Pack 27 was chartered to the First Baptist Church in March 1951 with C. W. Christensen as Cubmaster. They met at Aspen School the first year and then moved to Mountain School in 1952 and have met there ever since. In 1967 the sponsorship of the pack change to the Lions Club who is their current sponsor.
C. W. Christensen, Thomas Putnam Jr., Harry Prater, Curtis Sewell Jr., Clayton Ross, Albert Hawkins, Alton Patrick, Donald McCormick, R. J. Daly, Daniel Correll, John Stewart Jr., Emmett Brazier Jr., Duane Enger, Donald Baker, Christopher Haecker, Gerald 'Swede' Lindstrom, Larman Everett, Richard Danforth, Daniel Connell, Roy Verblauw, A. J. Robinson, Hargaret Harper, William Bass, Martin Piltch, Michael Wilton and Karen Fortson.
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PACK 129
Status of
Registration records have been copied from the Scout Office.
Pack 129 was originally chartered in 1953 to the Knights of Columbus; the first Cubmaster was Howard O. Richardson. The pack met at the Scout Lodge, Mesa School and the Parrish Hall form 1957 until it disbanded in 1968.
Howard O. Richardson, Harl Shoopman, Louis G. Machel, Chester Michel, Rober W. McKewin, Joe W. Williams, Alex L. Smith, James D. DeField, Roger Moore, Edward F. Will, William J. Schultz and Francisco E. Chavez.
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PACK 220
Status of
Copied unit registration records at Scout Office.
Pack 220 was first chartered by the Canyon School Parents-Teachers Association in May 1951. Daun Edward Keith was the first Cubmaster. They continued to be sponsored Pack 220 which met at Canyon School until the Pack disbanded in 1971.
Daun Edward Keith, J. B. Graham, Donald W. Kelley, Edward A. Humphery, Richard H. Moore, William H. Cruise, G. Joseph Moody, Casey Stevens, Robert C. Klaer, David W. Steinhaus, Charles A. Rowe, Edward H. Rauchfuss and Charles Apel.
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PACK 221
Status of
Registration records have been copied form the Scout Office. Records were not found for 1981 and 1982.
Pack 221 was originally chartered in 1951 by the Aspen PTA; Aurthur Breismeister was the first Cubmaster. The Pack was one of two sponsored by the Aspen Parent Teacher Association. In 1955 and 1956 the recharter papers listed the sponsor as the Aspen-Little Forest-Little Poplar PTA. The sponor name then reverted to Aspen PTA and remaind that until 1980.

We have not found any records for 1981. In 1982/83, Pack 221 was sponsored by the Christian Church and met at the church. They disbanded in the fall of 1983.
Arthur Breismeister, Carlos A. Perceny, W. R. Orem, John L. Cole Jr., Wilbure L. Jackson, Don T. Cromer, Richard Daly, Robert Mills, Evan Campbell, William Moss, Richard E. Lewis, Gordon M. Smith, Lloyd Gibson, James Cercy, Gary Bequette, Jame E. Dison, Donald F. Cameron, Henry P. Nunes, Arthur W. Walker, Thurman D. Talley, Bruce T. Horn, Martin D. Takas and Lynn E. Nicholson.
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PACK 222
Status of
Copied unit registration records at Scout Office. Recharter information from 1962 thru 1998; missing 1994.
Pack 222 was first chartered by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in 1962. Albert Hawkins was the first Cubmaster.
Albert Hawkins, James Bradberry, Paul Plumb, Donald Gibson, Richard Wilhite, Robert Brashear, Clinton Webb, Charles Wisehart, Russell Pack, Richard Bingham, Gregory Talley, Douglas Jassop, Robert Von Kemp 3rd, Harry Dunning, Wesley Spears, Dean Burns, Bruce Barrus, Michael Rye, Dale Burns and James Herrick
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PACK 227
Status of
Registration records have been copied from the Scout Office. We do not have records for 1955, 1968 and 1969; the pack may not have existed during these periods.
Pack 227 was originally chartered in the fall of 1952 to American Legion Post 990; John R. Manger was the first Cubmaster. They met at Mountain School. In the fall of 1955, the pack was chartered to the Aspen PTA and was one of two packs sponsored by them. The met at Aspen School and were sponsored by the PTA until 1967.

In 1970, the Pack was rechartered/relocated to Pinon School where it was again one of two packs sponored the sponsoring organization, this time the Pinon PTA. They remained at Pinon until they disbanded in 1980.
John R. Maninger, Robert L. Osborn, John H. McQueen, Robert F. Andrews, Lynn M. Miller, Robert O. Penny, Terry Wallace, Ted M. Hobday, Robert W. Stokes, Jerome J. Erpenbeck, Ronald Dingus, John H. McHale, Arthur G. Bailey, Franklin J. Naivar and Douglas Reilly.
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PACK 228
Status of
Registration records at the Scout Office have been copied.
Pack 228 was originally chartered in the spring of 1957 to the Mountain School PTA which was their only sponor. Gerald Lindstrom was their first Cubmaster. They met at Mountain School until they disbanded in 1965.
Gerald "Swede" Lindstrom, William B. C. Smith, Jack K. Allen, Fred A. Sterkel, Roy E. Barringer and Gilbert Nelson.
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PACK 229
Status of
Copied unit registration records at Scout Office.
Pack 229 was chartered in Los Alamos to the Barranca Mesa Parents-Teachers Association in the Spring of 1963; Glen L. Graves was the first Cubmaster. It has been continuously charted by the same organization since that time. The Pack meets at the Barranca Mesa Grade School. Prior to Pack 229 being chartered in Los Alamos, the number had been issued twice before in the Great Southwest Council. It was first used by the Pine Springs Day School in Houch, AZ from 1947 to 1949. The number 229 was then reissued to the Acequia Madre PTA in Santa Fe from 1956 to 1960.
Glen L. Graves, Harold Burnett, William Payne, Donald E. Stevens, David Bowersox, Albert E. Evans, Joseph Fritz, Albert H. Barlich, Kenneth B. Riepe, Eugene E. Stark, Jr., L. T. Gonzales, Robert J. Utley, Richard E. Malenfant, Ronald A. Walters, H. Keith McDowell, Kenneth J. Horton, Michael P. Smith and Michael Z. Ziehmn.
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PACK 326
Status of
Council Office recharter files have been copied. Have copies of all recharters between 1965 and 1999.
Pack 326 was originally chartered in early 1965 by the Pinon Elementary School Parent Teachers Organization. They are the only sponsor the pack has had. Burt McCloud was the first Cubmaster. The Pack meets at Pinon Elementary School.
Burt J. McCloud, Peter Salgado, Rodney S. Thurston, John McLeod, Everett D. Holmes, Jr., Mario Balibrera, George F. Auchampaugh, Gene Rush, Joseph S. Ladish, George H. Carlson, Raymond L. Elliott, Harry H. Reisch, Thomas F. Adams, Eugene C. Walters, Stephen Agnew, Kenneth Thomas, Kirt Anderson, Gary P. Cort and Douglas Hemphill
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PACK 327
Status of
Copied unit registration records at Scout Office.
Pack 327 was originally chartered in the fall of 1952 by the Veterans of Foreign Wars with Joseph Buchheit as Cubmaster. It was active for two years before the charter lapsed. In the fall of 1956 the pack was recharted by the Central School PTA with Richard Moore as Cubmaster. It was again active for two years. In early 1960, Pack 327 was registered by the Pajarito PTA with Arthur Shopp as Cubmaster. The pack was active until 1968. (Note of interest: The number 327 was reissued to a Cub Scout pack in Farmington, NM in 1994.)
Joseph Buchheit, Curtis Bond, Richard Moore, James Lilienthal, Arthur Shopp, Lambert Frentzel, D. C. Winburn, Lambert Hoak, Roy Stone, Paul Kraemer, Harold Burnett and Frank Reeves.
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PACK 422
Status of
Copied reregiatration records at Council Office (1979 thru 1999).
Pack 422 was formed in early 1979 by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in White Rock and has been continuously chartered by them since that time. John D. Fellers was the first Cubmaster.
John D. Fellers, Ronald F Hults, John L. Stokes, Steven W. Painter, Scott C. Hill, John M. Telle, Steven Schiamm, Kurt A. Adams, Timothy A. Cushman, Herbert McLean, Cory Higgins, Gordon P. Foreman, James L. Holt and Shane Wisehart.
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Last updated: February 20, 2000
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