The following information has been gathered from a variety of sources such as Eagle project write-ups, newspaper articles and Court of Honor programs. Thus the details available about the projects varies greatly and the descriptions will vary accordingly.

Eagle projects were first required about 1966 and the BSA requirements for Eagle projects have changed with time. As you will see, some of the earlier projects were conducted for the Boy Scout organizations, something that is not permitted today. It also needs to be stated that the primary requirement of an Eagle Project is that the Scout conducting the project demonstrate leadership. There is no minimum hours required for a successful project.

We are always looking for additional and better information. If you have copies of Eagle projects where our data is sketchy, we would appreciate it if you could share it with us (see the introductory page for how to contact us).

William Bechtol
Troop 122
  Trash pickup  
Greg Rand
Troop 122
Boy Scouts Organized merit badge counselor list for Los Alamos District.  

Allen Hunter
Troop 122
Boy Scouts Organized Cub program for deaf Scouts.  
David Mitchell
Troop 329
U.S. Forest Service Created and blazed trail over Guaje Ridge to Guaje Reservoir. Trail now known as 'Mitchell Trail'  
Jeffery Pettitt
Troop 122
United Church of Los Alamos Woodcarving project for United Church Christmas store.  

Mark Bradley
Troop 122
First United Methodist Church Painted Fellowship Hall at the Church  
Jeffery Hartshorne
Troop 329
Boy Scouts Planned (location, schedule of events, transportation, menu, attendance fee, etc.) and supervised the annual Order of the Arrow Webelos Day.  
Gregory Yasuda
Troop 122
First United Methodist Church Moved church furniture into new building.  

Mark Cosimi
Troop 329
YMCA Completed a landscaping project of the Los Alamos YMCA  
Justin Green
Troop 329
U.S. Forest Service Improved a Forest Service trail from the Los Alamos Reservoir  
Robert Knapp
Troop 329
U.S. Forest Service Improved the upper portions of a trail from Los Alamos Reservoir to the Quemezon Trail  
David Lee
Troop 122
Los Alamos County (?) Cut and hauled 75 logs for seats for Bicentennial Project amphitheater. 120
Charles Mader II
Troop 122
U.S. Forest Service Cleared Guaje Mountain, Longs Canyon, Guaje Canyon, and Guaje Ridge Trails  
James Rauchfuss
Troop 122
Bandelier National Monument Cleared areas of unwanted trees and trash pickup. 164
Evan Thomas
Troop 122
U.S. Forest Service (?) Planted 1100 trees in burned areas of Los Alamos District.  

David Barnes
Troop 326
Los Alamos County Located and installed logs for 27 benches at the amphitheater at Camp May  
Gregory Bennett
Troop 326
Los Alamos County Installed log benches at Camp May amphitheater  
David Busick
Troop 326
U.S. Forest Service Constructed five check dams for erosion and flood control on St. Peter's Dome road. Work involved digging trenches and piling rocks and dirt across arroyos.  
William Clouser
Troop 326
Los Alamos Historical Society and Museum Designed and organized the landscaping in front of the Historical Museum. Original landscaping had been removed during renovations  
John Gill
Troop 122
First United Methodist Church Cleared area at church and planted grass. 95
Kevin G. Honnell
Troop 129
U.S. Forest Service Cleaned debris from spillway, painted picnic tables and did roadwork on road to the Los Alamos Reservoir  
Jeffery O'Dell
Troop 326
Bandelier National Monument Made improvements at Bandelier to reduce soil erosion, make environmental improvements and general maintenance and clean-up at Juniper Campground  
John Pack
Troop 222
Bandelier National Monument Dug out old irrigation ditches in Frijoles Canyon which had filled with sand, rocks and burned debris as a result of the La Mesa fire 125
Brad Reisfeld
Troop 329
U.S. Forest Service Planted about 2.5 acres of a burned site with Ponderosa pine above S-Site  
Brian Smith
Troop 326
Los Alamos Senior Center Designed and constructed an outdoor table and benches for the Los Alamos Senior Center  
Eric Tisinger
Troop 326
U.S. Forest Service Cleaned and outlined the Quemazon Nature Trail with rocks and logs. Replaced and painted trail markers.  
David Voelz
Troop 326
Los Alamos Senior Center Organized a garage sale to raise money to buy material for bookshelves built for the Senior Center.  

Thomas Cole
Troop 122
Los Alamos County Refurbished trail to Camp Hamilton 136
Jeffery Croasdell
Troop 129
Needy Families Collected, sorted and distributed 27 boxes of and several bags of clothing and toys to needy families, the Christian Concern Committee and El Mirador Home  
John Elliott
Troop 129
YMCA Built playground equipment for the YMCA Latch Key program. Equipment included a sandbox, two tables and a climbing device. A fence was built around the play area.  
William Fowler
Troop 22
Senior Citizens Did winter car maintenance (tire changes, oil and filter changes, car washing and cleaning) for 10 older and retired people who were financially or physically unable to do it themselves.  
Richard Koonce
Troop 122
Community Painted home of a senior citizen.  
Robert McMullen
Troop 122
U.S. Forest Service Established, cleared and marked Guaje Reservoir Trail from North Community to Guaje Ridge. 154
Daniel Rand
Troop 122
U.S. Forest Service Completed trail to the Natural Arch in Rendija Canyon. 109
Keith Sherwood
Troop 122
U.S. Forest Service Established, cleared and marked Guaje Reservoir Trail from Guaje Ridge to Guaje Reservoir. 140

Louis Anderson
Troop 22
U.S. Forest Service Reseeded about 200 acres in the Graduation Flats area of the Santa Fe National Forest.  
Mike Bowersox
Troop 329
YMCA Landscaped two areas in front by clearing, leveling, graveling and placing a border of logs around each area  
Preston Cooper
Troop 122
U.S. Forest Service Worked on the fuel break north of Arizona Avenue.  
Kevin Croasdell
Troop 129
Los Alamos Senior Center Collected and delivered three tons of newspaper for recycling. Funds received were donated to the Senior Center to supply house cleaning services to senior citizens  
David Darrah
Troop 122
United Pentacostal Church of Espanola Constructed a fence and erected a flag pole.  
David Hagan
Troop 22
Blood Bank Designed and carried out a program to increase participation in local blood drives. Talked to clubs, service organizations and businesses about having their members participated. Established a traveling trophy for highest percent participation of members  
Michael Mitchell
Troop 122
First United Methodist Church Striped parking lot and built shelves. 123
David Newcom
Troop 329
Sheltered Workshop Constructed a booth, scheduled and managed sales during an Arts and Crafts Fair to raise funds for the Sheltered Workshop  
John Zerwekh
Troop 122
First United Methodist Church Inventoried Church property and prepared a record of the property. 64

Gary Barlich
Troop 122
First United Methodist Church Painted outside of Fellowship Hall. 109
Christopher Bennett
Troop 326
Los Alamos County A Nature Trail at Pinon Park was designed and constructed. Vandalism caused the original trail to be redesigned. A map and key was made and distributed to organizations.  
Eric Brown
Troop 129
White Rock United Methodist Church Insulated 1500 sq. ft. of attic space at the church  
Alastair Casperson
Troop 122
Ark Child Development Center Constructed a fence for the day care center. 75
David Doty
Troop 122
Casa Mesita Thrift Shop Renovated Casa Mesita Thrift Shop. 334
Joseph Bryan Lauer
Troop 326
Los Alamos Senior Center A bake sale was conducted to raise money for the materials used to build two rolling carts for sewing machines.  
Brian Mullaney
Troop 122
AAUW Play School Built fence for the AAUW play school.  
David O'Dell
Troop 326
Chamisa Elementary School Rebuilt and replaced logs for a playground area  
Ross O'Dell
Troop 326
American Association of Retired Persons Refinished and reupholstered a dozen chairs.  
John Polzer
Troop 22
Los Alamos Historical Society and Museum Prepared a tour guide pamphlet for the area around the Historical Museum. Installed markers where needed.  
Steven Stokes
Troop 422
Bandelier National Monument Did trail work on 2.5 miles of trails in Bandelier  
John Wilson
Troop 122
Mesa School Marked and packed library books to be transferred to other schools with closing of Mesa School. 73
Scott Wilson
Troop 122
Mesa School Built a scaling wall for the school playground. 64
Paul Yasuda
Troop 122
Ark Child Development Center Built play equipment for Ark day care center.  

Paul Bennett
Troop 329
Los Alamos County Parks & Recreation Renovation project at Camp May amphitheater consisting of repair work, replacing old trash cans and general carpentry and masonry work at the site  
Brian Butcher
Troop 129
UNM-LA Made signs for the Bookstore and information signs for both inside and outside the buildings.  
Steven Butcher
Troop 129
UNM-LA Painted walls in old kindergarten rooms that were being converted to the branch's office and library  
Douglas Dross
Troop 326
Los Alamos Visiting Nurses Marked, identified and cataloged LAVN equipment and moved the equipment to shelves he constructed in the basement of the Los Alamos Medical Center  
Todd Erickson
Troop 122
Los Alamos Montessori School Build and repaired playground equipment. 156
Charles Ferenbaugh
Troop 326
Ark Day Care Center Helped establish a library for the day care center. Repaired, organized and cataloged approximately 700 books the preschool had acquired.  
Alan Godwin
Troop 129
Los Alamos Senior Citizens Built a sign and landscaped in front of Senior center at Fuller Lodge  
Tim Haarmann
Troop 422
Los Alamos Senior Citizens Constructed a horseshoe court for the Retired Senior Volunteer program at Fuller Lodge  
Greg Henderson
Troop 129
White Rock United Presbyterian Church Planted trees and bushes along 160 feet of fence. 53
Steven Hong
Troop 326
Los Alamos County Planned and improved parts of La Senda Park Trail by lining the trail with rocks and boulders brought for Overlook Park. Stairs were built at the head of the trail 202
Gregory Keaton
Troop 122
First United Methodist Church Painted inside of Fellowship Hall at the Church. 275
Jesse Kenyon
Troop 329
Los Alamos Senior Citizens Designed and constructed magazine rack and two book shelves  
Allen Pack
Troop 422
Los Alamos County Built, painted and installed three benches and five garbage cans at Rover Park 120
Alexander Parker
Troop 122
U.S. Forest Service Stacked slash at a fuel break. 141
Martin Smith
Troop 129
Nazarene Church Landscaped the front yard of the Nazarene Church parsonage. 105
David Thomas
Troop 122
IHM Catholic Church Painted St. Joseph's Hall in White Rock. 187
Paul Virchow
Troop 422
Bandelier National Monument Cleared tinder and trash near headquarters in preparation for a controlled burn  
Stephen Wagner
Troop 122
Trinity on the Hill Episcopal Church Prepared ground and planted buffalo grass on church property next to Trinity drive. 178

Lee Adair
Troop 222
Los Alamos LDS Church Did spring clean-up work at the Los Alamos LDS Church. 178
Guy Baker
Troop 222
U.S. Forest Service Slash gathering at a fuel break. 83
Kevin Baker
Troop 326
Pinon Elementary School Built 'Monkey Bars' for playground. Conducted a bake sale to raised money for materials  
Thomas Bishop
Troop 326
Chamisa Grade School Made landing for the geo-dome at school. 142
Chad Boyack
Troop 422
Los Alamos Senior Citizens Refinished and reupholstered furniture. 130
Charles Forest
Troop 122
Red Cross Built 6 backboards for the Red Cross and Ski Patrol. 162
James Gary
Troop 122
Los Alamos County Parks & Recreation Compiled a handbook of day hikes that was published by the Los Alamos County Parks and Recreation Department. 147
William Goldman
Troop 122
Casa Mesita Prepared the exterior of Casa Mesita girls home for insulation and stucco; painted the kitchen. 111
William Lebeda
Troop 122
Aspen Elementary School Built a climber for the Aspen School playground. 111
Stephen Mandell
Troop 122
Los Alamos Women's Center Constructed 2 pamphlet stands and a mailbox. 116
Charles Ney
Troop 326
Los Alamos County Made improvements to the Los Alamos parcourse. 132
Luke Ney, Jr.
Troop 326
Los Alamos County Made improvements to Overlook Park Blue Dot trail. 141
John Potter
Troop 122
U.S. Forest Service Cleared/stacked slash along upper Guaje Road. 117
Daniel Rice
Troop 422
Los Alamos Family Council Landscaped lower end of parking lot area at the new Family council building 317

Matthew Albright
Troop 122
Las Cumbres Learning Services Constructed therapeutic positioning equipment for multi-handicapped children. 111
Willis Ferenbaugh
Troop 326
Bandelier National Monument Cleared a 2.5 mile section of trail along the Rio Grande from Frijoles to Lummis Canyons 285
Mike Gordon
Troop 129
IHM Catholic Church Did ground work for IHM Catholic Church. 52
David Hofmann
Post 99
Los Alamos County Made general purpose booths for Los Alamos County. 175
Pat Honnsinger
Troop 71
Los Alamos Medical Center Built a sign for Los Alamos Medical Center. 52
Grant Jensen
Troop 422
Los Alamos County Built steps at the Paul Spirio Soccer complex. 70
Stuart Jensen
Troop 422
Los Alamos Family Council Built a trash container for Los Alamos Family Council. 50
Paul Keaton
Troop 122
Aspen Elementary School Constructed climbing equipment. 186
Brian Martin
Troop 422
Los Alamos Family Council Landscaped grounds at the Los Alamos Family Council. 140
Spencer Menlove
Troop 222
Los Alamos County Council on Alcoholism Built storage shelves for the Council on Alcoholism. 111
Steven Mitchell
Troop 122
Ark Child Development Center Constructed playground equipment 119
Brian Wickham
Troop 122
Montessori School Installed and repaired playground equipment at the Montessori School located at the United Church. 155
Jeffery Wilmarth
Troop 129
Church of Christ Landscaped a paved area by placing oak barrels as planters and planting flowers in them 98
David Woodruff
Troop 122
Barranca Mesa School Constructed equipment. 100

Boyd Bangerter
Troop 326
Los Alamos Senior Citizens Reupholstered furniture for Los Alamos Senior Citizens. 129
Bruce Fretwell
Troop 22
U.S. Forest Service Worked on the Quemazon Nature Trail and station markers.  
Michael Lyman
Troop 422
Los Alamos County Cleaned up the area and make and installed the new "White Rock" sign. 237
Benjamin Martin
Troop 122
U.S. Forest Service Removed and stacked burnable slash along Guaje Road 105
Kevin Stark
Troop 22
Los Alamos Montessori School Built and installed coat and boot rack and built a rabbit cage. 100

Willaim Malone
Troop 22
U.S. Forest Service Repaired several miles of the Guaje Ridge Trail.  
Robert Mitchell
Troop 122
First United Methodist Church Sealed and painted an addition to the Church 123
Michael Riepe
Troop 329
Bandelier National Monument Remove 32 old picnic tables and assemble new tables to replace them. 140
Thomas Simes
Troop 329
U.S. Forest Service Installed gate across road, affixed appropriate warning signs to the gate, constructed two drainage dips, trenched and drained two low areas and installed warning sign about gate ahead. 195

William Elliott
Troop 326
Chamisa Elementary School Obtained unused telephone poles from the County and used them to replace rotted and splintered stepping logs on playground  
Jon F. Wilkins
Troop 122
Los Alamos County Landscaped area around historic Romero cabin which had been moved from Pajarito Road location to near Fuller Lodge. Expenses covered by a grant from the Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. give to youth for community improvement 115

Jay Elder
Troop 122
San Ildefonso Pueblo Removed a burned out building and litter from a lot at Totavi on Pueblo land. 109
Jeffery Maas
Troop 22
Los Alamos County Parks & Recreation Moved the old parcourse from the Fuller Lodge area and install it around the Barranca Mesa School playground. 405
Ronald Steinke
Troop 122
Bandelier National Monument Built two bridges in the upper part of Frijoles canyon. 100

Eric Saxman
Troop 22
Los Alamos County Parks & Recreation Built a trail (Camino Centro) connecting Camino Redondo and Camino Uva on North Mesa. 410

Matthew Christiansen
Troop 122
Los Alamos LDS Church Constructed shelves and cabinets for the primary children's organization of the church. 131
Mike George
Troop 71
Unitarian Church Dug ditch and lined with cement for water drainage; removed stumps and repaired the entrance to Robinson Hall.  
Oliver Goldman
Troop 122
Los Alamos Jewish Center Designed and built a playground climbing structure 117
Douglas Martin
Troop 122
Ark Day Care Center Landscaped the playground 217

Robert Gates
Troop 326
Los Alamos County Redefined and rebuilt a 1.5 mile long segment of the White Rock Canyon Rim Trail along Pajarito Canyon. 213
Donald Parker
Team 422
White Rock LDS Church Pruned and did gardening work on an 880 foot strip of Russian olives, five flowering crab apple trees and 3389 sq. ft. of juniper and flower gardens. Remove eight deciduous trees that have died and prepared area for planting replacements. 206
Eric Salzman
Troop 71
Los Alamos County Painted and restored stations, set sign for one station in concrete and restored trails between stations. 181

Stephan Gerstl
Troop 22
United Church of Los Alamos Improved the volleyball court area by landscaping, cleaning the area itself and building a picnic table and bench.  
Grant Goddard
Troop 326
Los Alamos County Cleaned out and lined drainage ditch and built a bridge over the ditch. 126
Matthew Hahn
Troop 22
Los Alamos County Parks & Recreation Repaired volleyball court by improving drainage and establishing boundaries; filled washes around swing set and slide to improve safety. 166
Jeffery Martin
Team 422
Los Alamos Schools Cleaned surface of parking lot, painted white parking lines and yellow termination islands. 96
Meredith Neal
Troop 222
Aspen Elementary School Built a 4 ft. wide by 137 ft. long path next to the parking and reinforced edges to prevent erosion. 106
Lee Powell
Troop 22
Los Alamos Historical Society and Museum Cleaned out the storage area and built shelving to allow better utilization of the storage area and better access to the stored items. 146
Stephen Scott
Troop 22
Trinity on the Hill Episcopal Church Installed 320 ft. of PVC pipe and 15 sprinklers to enlarge the coverage of the existing sprinkler system. 257
Ryan Walter
Troop 71
Bandelier National Monument Performed social trail obliteration, check dam installation and renovation at the Tyuonyi Ruin. 143
Daniel Whiteson
Troop 22
Los Alamos Jewish Center Painted five classrooms at the Jewish Center. 124

Brian Bond
Troop 326
Los Alamos County Parks & Recreation Created a trail from Sherwood to an existing trail which leads to Grand Canyon. Repaired existing trail. 113
Dane Christensen
Troop 22
Bandelier National Monument Revegetation, erosion control, and obliteration of a 1.25 mi. section of an old road previously used for the fire lookout and excavation purposes. 147
Day Frostenson
Troop 122
U.S. Forest Service Trail restoration work that consisted of defining the stream path, filling in ruts, and clearing the trail to improve accessibility for a section leading to American Springs. 137
Robert Kwan
Troop 22
Sombrillo Nursing Facility Painted garage door and porch chairs, removed Chinese Elms, graveled area around flag pole and built a compost bin. 165
Aaron Morrison
Troop 326
Los Alamos Sportsmen's Club Primed and painted steel sheeting on sides, cleaned up the backstop area, painted backstop and repainted firing lines on floor. 174
Quinn Pack
Team 422
White Rock LDS Church Constructed storage area in the attic of teh Church. 143
Michael Schneider
Troop 22
Los Alamos County Parks & Recreation Replaced sand around tot-lot toys, repainted play structures and fence, and filled in to elemenate safety hazards. Repaired and repainted parcourse stations and redid map to reflect current course layout. 234
Davis Thomsen
Troop 22
Bethlehem Lutheran Church Built, painted and installed three 12 x 4 x 2 ft sections of shelving in a storage room. 176
Mark Wallace
Troop 122
The Wildlife Center Designed and built an 8 x 24 ft. modular flight cage. The cage could be shortened to sixteen or eight feet long depending on the need. 272

Kyle Christiansen
Troop 122
Los Alamos LDS Church Completed construction of a maintenance building by installing an insulated ceiling, painting walls and ceiling and building and installing a workbench and shelving. 168
Paul Danen
Troop 326
Bandelier National Monument Removed a deep rut from a portion of the Burnt Mesa Road by covering with dead junipers cut from the immediate area. 131
Sky Frostenson
Troop 122
U.S. Forest Service Installed over 80 check dams and water bars along 6 sections (about 2 miles) of the Pajarito Trail north of the Sportsman Club. 156
Michael Gibson
Troop 71
Los Alamos County Parks & Recreation Repair a 150 ft. long x 2 ft deep rut in the trail leading from the stables to Bayo Canyon. Drain pipes were installed and logs placed to control water flow. 117
Kyle Lange
Troop 22
Aspen Elementary School Replaced gravel around play fort, raked and sifted existing sand on volleyball court, and added four new benches by volleyball court. 156
Michael Newnam
Troop 22
U.S. Department of Energy Constructed a bridge across a stream bed on the Devaney Trail that goes through Los Alamos Canyon west of the skating rink. 340
Eric Peterson
Troop 422
Los Alamos Family Council Placed bark around area with rosebushes, added additional rock to an existing and a new area, and placed plastic and rock in a third area. 118
Harold Rogers III
Troop 22
U.S. Forest Service Wrapped selected cottonwood trees with wire along a six mile stretch of the Jemez River to prevent the trees form being cut down by beavers. 134
Jason Schwertfeger
Troop 122
U.S. Forest Service Installed water bars to prevent erosion and poles to restrict illegal motor vehicle entry into Water Canyon. 155
Michael Springer
Troop 326
White Rock United Methodist Church Cleaned two lots at the church. One lot was then covered with gravel and the other covered with sod.; installed a sprinkler system. 238
Brant Wilson
Troop 22
Bandelier National Monument Collected 25 lbs. of seed from a variety of wild grasses and flowers in Bandelier for use in future revegitation projects. 172
Kyle Wingate
Team 222
Sierra Los Pinos Home Owners Assocation Installed three pieces of playground equipment and placed protective wood chips under equipment to reduce the possibility of injury to children using the equipment. 148
Steven Zygmunt
Troop 22
Coyote Elementary School Built an exercise trail for the Coyote Elementary School in Coyote, NM. Staked secondary loop and lined with rocks and/or wood. 228

Douglas Brown
Team 422
Los Alamos County Replaced an old, eroded trail with a new one that provided a better view of the canyon. Included erosion control and built a bench from trees removed from the trail. 151
Matthew Cannon
Team 422
Chamisa Elementry School Built pits under playground equipment. Lined pits with weed barrier and filled pits with pea gravel. 96
Jeffery Cobble
Troop 129
Chaco Canyon National Historical Park Built three new hearths at the group campground using cement and rock from the Chaco Canyon quarry. 128
Jared Davis
Team 222
Los Alamos County Pathways Association Removed approximately 50 stumps from the pathway for a new trail connecting Orange Street and Canyon Road through Acid Canyon. The stumps were either removed or cut off below ground level. 141
Sean Lynch
Troop 129
Bandelier National Monument Built and revegetated first mile of 3.5 mi. trail along Burnt Mesa Road in Bandelier National Monument including installation of about forty water bars. 136
James Michel
Troop 22
Los Alamos County Parks & Recreation Made improvements to the Los Alamos Ice Rink by building a Plexiglas shield for the scoreboard and building stairs with a rail to the photographer's platform. 206
Howard Pack
Team 422
Los Alamos County Parks & Recreation Built a trail about 100 yards long with a 23-foot-long bridge in the Arboretum, a Los Almos Park behind the aquatic center. 223
Matthew Schneider
Troop 22
Aspen Elementary School Covered a 1100 foot long by 4 foot wide track with "grinding" (chopped asphalt removed from roads during resurfacing). 289
Dominico Vigil
Troop 71
Bandelier National Monument Collected wild seeds and planted the seeds on a half-mile section of an old fire road built during the fighting of the La Mesa forest fire. 132
David Wingate
Team 222
Aspen Elementary School Removed dirt and grass from along sidewalks and replaced with wood chip filler within a frame to prevent water and mud from washing onto sidewalks. 266

Zachary Browning
Troop 22
U.S. Forest Service Performed trail maintenance and improvements to Pajarito Trail including: installed water and fill bars, rerouted a steep section prone to erosion, and covered an older unused section of trail. 86
Andrew Carlson
Troop 71
Los Alamos High School Organized the prop storage area at Civic Auditorium by dismantling un-needed props, inventorying the contents, and mapping and painting lines on floor for aisles and fire routes. 156
Colin Christensen
Troop 22
The Wildlife Center Designed and build two light-weight portable bird enclosures for smaller birds. 183
Evan Gartz
Team 422
Los Alamos County Parks & Recreation Dug footing and installed a concrete block retaining wall, then filled to form a ramp with a uniform slope. 141
Raj Jain
Troop 22
Mountain Elementary School Cemented posts in ground and assembled equipment. Spread cushioning material under the installed equipment. 247
Colin Karnda-Randell
Troop 122
New Vistas: Expanding Options for People with Disabilities Supervised the painting of a mural on a 10' x 30' wall in a converted warehouse used to construct and modify wheelchairs. 184
Gilmore Lundquist
Troop 71
Bandelier National Monument A half mile section of an old road was closed by dragging dead and down logs and brush onto it to prevent further use and control erosion.  
Alistair Neal
Team 222
Los Alamos County Improved trail by installing waterbars, reducing the slope of a rocky portion of the path, and trimming branches on a trail from the 37th St. playlot to the bottom of Pueblo Canyon. 169
Ryan Stokes
Troop 422
Los Alamos County Police Department Rearrange fence boundary, build six dog kennels and clean-up of surrounding area. 179

Shane Binder
Troop 22
Los Alamos Jewish Center Built two 5' x 5' decks attached by a "skyride". One of the decks had a slide attached. Covered ground under and around structure with sand and enclosed area with a wood border. 226
Jesse Camp
Troop 22
Los Alamos Public Library Three connected, curved brick walks were built. The walks were 5' wide and edged with metal; 4 inches of sand was placed underneath the brick. The brick were cut and fitted. A total of 4,200 brick were used. Three large earth berms were rebuilt and landscaped. 290
Ross Camp
Troop 22
Sombrillo Nursing Facility Covered a 75' long drainage ditch with weed barrier and lined it with 5 cu. yds. of river rock. 198
Charles Carathers
Troop 22
Aspen Elementary School Selected, ordered and installed five pieces of playground equipment. Covered ground area with wood chips. 141
Jeremy Carathers
Troop 22
Aspen Elementary School Installed two benches in front of Aspen School and landscaped two areas near the school. 163
David Cerutti
Troop 71
Los Alamos County Parks & Recreation Built a 16' long bridge connecting a trail that crossed the stream. Concrete footings were poured and the wooden bridge with hand rails was constructed. 97
Joshua Hildebrand
Troop 22
Los Alamos Public Library Cleaned and lined ~310 ft. of ditch with plastic and covered with 18 tons of rock. 244
Robbie Narang
Troop 22
Aspen Elementary School A hill in front of the school was terraced using railroad ties to form a triangular shaped garden about 33' by 24' high. Additional soil was added and the area rotor tilled. The garden was constructed in memory of a former school secretary. 199
Bradley Skidmore
Team 422
Los Alamos County Parks & Recreation Removed 85 steel fence posts from along a trail in back of the Aquatic Center. After the County cut the poles, the poles were hauled to the parking lot of the Aquatic Center. The remaining pole lengths were cleared to the concrete base so that the County could cut the steel poles flush with the cement; the cement base was then covered with dirt. 138

Martin Baker
Team 222
Los Alamos County Parks & Recreation Installed approximately 200 feet of PVC pipe with bubblers, emitters and sprinklers to irrigate an area west of the library's main entrance. 120
Rigel Barrus
Team 422
Los Alamos County Parks & Recreation Marked and improved a 100-yard section of an existing trail along the canyon rim in White Rock. A new 100-yard section was then built to connect to an existing trail. 117
Dustin Bingham
Team 222
Casa Mesita Girls Home Remove rows of juniper, covered area with plastic and planted zeroscape plants. Did spring yard cleanup including raking of pine needles and leaves. 127
Pratt Despain
Team 422
Chamisa Elementary School Installed pea-gravel paths between playground equipment. This included digging out the paths so that after the installation of 2x6" edging strips, the paths were level with the ground. The excess dirt removed from the pathways was used to level other areas on the playground. 165
Christopher Gartz
Team 422
Los Alamos County Parks & Recreation Constructed a rock entrance to a trail leading from the Kimberly Drive cul-de-sac. The rock wall entrance was about 3.5 feet high and extended about 12 feet down the path on both sides of the trail. 128
Bradley Gates
Troop 326
Los Alamos County Parks & Recreation Landscaped about 200 feet of the edge of Rover Park in White Rock next to the homeowner's side. Installed 2x6" edging, weed barrier and covered a 3-ft. wide area with bark. Planted seven trees and installed a soaker-hose irrigation system in the area where the trees were planted. 120
Nicholas Graf
Troop 71
Los Alamos County Parks & Recreation Built a volleyball court at Rover Park. This involved the building a wooden retaining wall from railroad ties around over half the court to prevent erosion. 216
Robert Harrison
Troop 129
White Rock Methodist Church Re-roofed a storage shed and landscaped an area at the First Methodist Church of White Rock 297
George Havrilla
Troop 22
Los Alamos County Parks & Recreation The project involved placing weed barrier and river rock in a drainage ditch prepared by the Scouts to prevent erosion next along the east side of the Mesa Public Library. 273
Michael O'Toole
Troop 22
Midland Elementary School, Poway, CA Repaired an area of asphalt playground by filling holes and repainting maps of the United States and the World. While repainting the maps, errors were corrected and the locations and names of state and national capitals were added. 119
Clayton Painter
Team 422
Los Alamos County Parks & Recreation Build a 43-ft. long footbridge over a natural drainage ditch in Kinikinik Nature Park in Los Alamos 195
Garth Ramsey
Troop 122
Los Alamos County Parks & Recreation Landscaped an area in front of the Mesa Public Library. Leveled, rototilled and seeded with xeroscape grasses. Installed a metal barrier around the seeded area. 131
Brian Rupp
Troop 129
Chaco Cultural National Historic Park Restored on quarter-mile segment of the old Highway 57 entrance roadbed to pre-road conditions. Installed erosion controls and prepared soil for planting and planted with seeds of native plants. 176
Richard Wilson
Troop 22
Los Alamos High School A trophy case was build and an existing trophy shelf was extended in the Band Room at Los Alamos High School 309

Bryce Adams
Crew 422
Los Alamos County Built a 250-foot-long path from the end of a service road to the northeast cornor of Rover Park. He removed the sod and dirt and filled the path with bark mulch. 148
Myles Adams
Crew 422
Los Alamos Jewish Center A path 192-feet-long was prepared and filled with pea gravel. The path was rerouted to make it more usuable. The path ended at a playground where a bench was installed. 113
Nathen Bawden
Crew 422
Los Alamos County Improved the Bllue Dot trail was improved by removing loose gravel, installing steps were needed and building erosion barriers. A trail-head sign was built and installed. 119
Michael Beckstead
Troop 222
Los Alamos Middle School A cross country track was designed, sited and built in a wooded area behind the Middle School. This involved clearing, leveling and packing the trail plus making and installing ten signs that helped direct users along the trail. The track will be used by the track team and gym classes. 150
Russell Christensen
Crew 422
Los Alamos County Thirteen tubular ballards (posts) were set in concrete and wire cable was strung through the eye rings to form a barrier. This directed access to the main trail and reduced use of make-shift trails in the area. 120
Andrew Cobble
Troop 129
United Church of Los Alamos A terrace was repaired and expanded to allow for additional flower gardens. Nine truck-loads of rock were hauled from Rendija Canyon for the terrace. A sprinkler system was placed in the area created by the expanded terrace and the expanded area was filled with top soil. 214
Peter Hahn
Troop 22
Betty Ehart Senior Center A 200 sq. ft. garden area created and planted. This involved clearing the area of weeds and rocks, preparing the soil, installing brick edges and paths, planting various shrubs and flowers and covering the exposed dirt with bark. 115
Jason Jarvinen
Troop 71
Los Alamos County Designed and installed A PVC pipe sprinkler system was designed and installed at Rover Park in White Rock. 146
Benjamin Mason
Crew 222
Los Alamos County The trail form East Park to Graduation Canyon was improved by replacing old wood steps, building new steps, building erosion bars and providing a means to safely get over a boulder at the start of the trail. 92
Stephen Maze
Troop 71
Los Alamos County A 272-foot extension was built to the walking trail along the east side of Rover Park. The project included leveling the trail, installing weed barrier and filling the trail with wood chips. A wood barrier was installed parallel to the path. 133
Brandon Peterson
Crew 422
White Rock LDS Church A 30-foot flag pole was erected with the base set in concrete. Three metal-frame picnic tables had the wood tops and benches removed, replace with new wood and the food finished. The old wood was taken to the dump. 165
Neil Peterson
Crew 422
Los Alamos County The Bayo Canyon trail was cleared, cleaned and leveled at the entrance on Dos Brazos. Sign posts at the ends and along the trail were secured by cementing the bases. 118
Samuel Phillips
Troop 129
United Church of Los Alamos A sprinkler system consisting of 25 sprinkler heads was installed to water three sections of the lawn at the United Chruch 550
Kevin Rupp
Troop 129
Pecos National Historical Park The horse corrals at Pecos National Historical Park which were donated by the Greer Garson ranch, were repaired (nails driven in or replaced) and painted. 204
Gregory Scudder
Troop 122
First United Methodist Church Framed, covered and painted a plywood partition that served as a brake between the main area and entrances to the rest rooms. The partition doubled as a storage area. 126
Leland Webb
Troop 22
Los Alamos County Improved The Aspen Schol access trail to the old Hoemstead Trail was imporved. This consisted of clearing and marking the trail and in some places, relocating the trail further from the backyards of homes on 34th St. 175
Brandon Wilson
Troop 22
Los Alamos County The Homestead Trail was improved by directing the drainage of water from the trail, removing branches that obstruct the trail and a fallen tree, picking up trash and removing bolders that obstruct the trail. 183

Mark Cerutti
Troop 71
Los Alamos County After the County dug a new trail path at Rover Park using heavy equipment, Scouts installed a weed barrier and filled the trail with wood chips. A small mound of dirt was placed on each side of the trail to keep the chips on the path. 111
Thomas Patton
Troop 22
Los Alamos County A stone bench was built near the sidewalk on Canyon Road. The bench was installed by cutting appropriate flat areas into the rock hill and then a poured concrete seat and back were installed. Trash was picked up from the area and the area immediately adjacent to the bench landscaped.  
Bradford Sims
Troop 71
Betty Ehart Senior Center Ten trees and ten Gamble Oak shrubs were planted at the Betty Ehart Senior Center. Four-foot diameter by 3-foot deep holes were dug, filled with good soil and the trees planted. Smaller holes were dug for the shrubs. 106
Mason Sturm
Troop 22
Fenton Lake State Park Work was done on seventeen campground grills at Fenton Lake State Park. Where necessary, the old grills and foundations were removed. New concrete bases where then poured and after the bases had set, the grills installed. Trash was picked up from around the lake. 244
Christopher (Kit) Werley
Troop 22
Los Alamos County A 215-ft. section of the Homestead Trail connecting the Homestead Footbridge to the Ridgeway Street playlot was improved. Impovements consisted of installing rock steps and a new switchback to decrease the steapness of the trail and installing water bars to decrease errosion. Trees were also trimmed to give better clearance. A 150-ft. section of the trail was closed.  

Adam Barras
Troop 22
Christian Church of Los Alamos Cabinets 8' x 8' x 2' were built to store food for a program helping the needy in Northern New Mexico. The second part of the project was to install fencing to enclose a playlot. 180
Trent DeVore
Crew 222
Los Alamos LDS Church Tables and chairs were stenciled with the church name and a sports closet was cleaned and new shelves installed and painted. 112
William Goulding
Troop 22
Los Alamos Middle School An island in the parking lot was refurbished by removing gravel and replacing with river rock. A drainage ditch that was a potential errosion problem was made shallower and lined with river rock. 123
Michael Peterson
Troop 129
Los Alamos County A shelter and bench was built at White Rock's Grand Canyon Park. General cleanup of the park and painting of existing items at the park was performed. 235
Neal Picard
Troop 71
United Church of Los Alamos A sprinker system (approximatley 80 linear feet) was installed that consist of three sprinkler heads to water a portion of the lawn at the church. 107

Last updated: February 24, 2002
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