The current Los Alamos District Distinguished Serice Awards had its origin in 1982. At that time, the Los Alamos District could only present one District Award of Merit and there were many Scouters that deserved recognition. Doug O'Dell and Bill Erickson proposed that a series of awards be made to the Cubmaster of the Year, Den Leader of the Year, Scoutmaster of the Year, etc., and presentations and recognitions were made at the District Banquet in November 1982. In 1983, there was not a selection committee, but rather each unit recognized deserving individuals in their unit.

In 1984, a District Awards Committee consisting of Swede Lindstorm (Chair), Bill Erickson and Marion Pack recommended that "..the Los Alamos District establish a 'Distinguished Service Award' to be awarded each year. The number of Distinguished Service Awards presented each year should be at the discretion of the Awards Committee, but should be about 5. The actual number presented may vary depending on the number of deserving candidates; it could be 3, 7 or 0."

There have been references made to a similar set of awards made by the district in the early 1960's. Does anyone have information about these?

A list of known recipients follows.

1982 Bill Erickson, Don Hofmann, Chuck Mader, Marion Pack
1984 Kirk Binning, John Gustafson, John O'Brien, Bart Olinger, Harry Reisch, Casey Stevens, Keith Taggart
1985 Bob Bartholomew, Bill Bradley, Gregg Giesler, Don Marshall, Relf Price III, Frank Seurer
1986 Tom Adams, Candice Borduin, Lee Borduin, Dennis Gill, Paul Lisowski, Jeff Torrez, Ron Walters
1987 Stan Brown, John Craig, Linda Craig, Wayne DeMill, Bob Holder, Janice Parker, Wayne Smith
1988 Steve Harmony, Chester Painter, Herman Ramsey, Bob Springer, Ruth Springer, Tom Turner, Cuba Wilmarth
1989 Dean Burns, Joe Donahue, Dick Martin, Keith McDowellCarol Neal, Rob Oakes, Phil Schofield, Gene Walter, Brad Wright
1990 Stephen Agnew, Roger Gartz, Raleigh Michel, Janet Phillips, Howard Rice, Doyle Simes, Joseph Skalski
1991 Bruce Bingham, Dave Ewing, Donna Ewing, Margaret Gibson, Kathy Johnson, Brad Kemp, Barbara Murray, Matthew Murray, Jim Holt, Dave Powell, Elena Guerra
1992 Dana Christensen, Terry Jones, Stan Marsh, Wendy Skidmore, Ken Thomas, Bob Thomnsen
1993 Dale Burns, Marilyn Burns, Wayne DeMill, Joe Donahue, Ross Lemons, Carol Neal, Tim Neal, Rich Oldenborg, Stephen Tefteller
1994 Karen Fortson, John Goodrich, Pam Hornsby, Jennifer Johnson, Terrell Johnson, Kermit Johnson, Karen Schramm, Chuck Wingate
1995 Ron Barber, Tom Blair, Jim Cobble, Ken Horton, Norman Hunter, Al Medendrop, Teresa Price, Shane Wisehart
1996 Jim Camp, Francis Guavara, George Havrilla, Cecilia Johnson, Ruben Martinez, Len Scheel, David Scudder, Marcie Stup
1997 Robert Baer, Liz Bird, Leigh House, Rick Light, Judy Nikemken, Gary Robinson, Valerie Schultz, Jim Sussman, Mike Ziemn
1998 William Blumenthal, Rick Kelley, Shari Kelley, Ed Kettering, Joseph Matthews, Dave Phillips, Don Taylor, Giulia Venneri
1999 Robert Dryja, Susan Dryja, Cheri Jensen, Jack Killeen, Eunice Naranjo
2000 Chris Fresquez, Mahavir Jain, Richard Keyser, Craig Martin, Richard Mason, Jean Picard, Greg Rand, John Ricci, Don Siebe
2001 Judy Fife, Joe Graf, James Kampershroer, Sandy Keyser, Tom Murphy, James Rabold, Rebekah Schofield, Linda Walter
2002 Bill Archer, Margo Batha, Bruce Caristen, Wayne Christensen, Sandy Jennings, Pam Hill, Beth Lee, Howard Patton, Bob White
2003 Steve Batha, Mark Byers, Jay Elson, Lisa Gonzales, Chris Lovejoy, Carl Stone, Delores Vigil

Last updated: January 25, 2004
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