Information about the patches and the reason for issuing the patch are given. By selecting the patch image, a full size image of the patch can be seen. Please let us know if you have other patches that should be included in this history. Thanks and Enjoy!
![[1954 Camporee]](./pat-imgs/m-c-1954.jpg) |
District camporee patch from 1954 Size: 87 mm x 18 mm. |
![[1956 Camporee]](./pat-imgs/m-c-1956.jpg) |
District camporee "patch" from 1956. The patch was attached to the recognition given for a 1955 District event. Both were made from vinyl. Size: 50 mm x 31 mm. Combined size: 64 mm x 106 mm. |
![[196? Camporee]](./pat-imgs/m-c-196x.jpg) |
District camporee patch from the mid 1960s. No further information at this time. |
![[1978 Camporee]](./pat-imgs/m-c-1978.jpg) |
District camporee patch from 1978 Approx. size: 76 mm diam. |
![[1979 Camporee]](./pat-imgs/m-c-1979.jpg) |
District camporee patch from 1979 Approx. size: 76 mm diam |
![[1981 Camporee]](./pat-imgs/m-c-1981.jpg) |
District camporee patch from 1981 Approx. size: 76 mm diam |
![[Camporee Segment]](./pat-imgs/m-c-1982.jpg) | A segment used for the district camporees and was designed to be worn with the Fuller Lodge and subsequent district patches. It was first used in 1983 (?). Size: 36 mm x 28 mm |
![[1990 Camporee]](./pat-imgs/m-c-1990.jpg) |
The 1990 Los Alamos District camporee was held in October at Abiqu Dam. Roger Gartz was in charge of planning for the camporee. Size: 72 mm x 62 mm |
![[1993 Camporee]](./pat-imgs/m-c-1993.jpg) |
1993 Camporee. This bar was one of a series of bars designed to be worn with the patch commorating 75 years of Scouting in Los Alamos. Size: 86 mm x 22 mm |
![[1996 Camporee]](./pat-imgs/m-c-1996.jpg) |
The 1996 District Camporee was held at Graduation Flats in the Jemez Mountains. The theme of the camporee was forest fires -- preventing, fighting and effects. The camporee was held the fall following the Dome fire that destroyed close to 20,000 acres of forest in and near Bandelier National Monument. Jim Camp planned, organized and lead the camporee. The patch was designed by Lisa Kratzer, a local artist. Size: 78 mm x 86 mm |