Mar. 18 Pigeon-Sepulga. 12.0 mi., 2:40, 5.0 avg. mph. Sepulga river level (MacKenzie gauge): 8 ft. Pigeon can be paddled if Sepulga is 4 ft. or greater.
Shuttle: 15.5 mi.
Mar. 19 Whitewater River. 15.4 miles. 4.25 hrs. moving. 3.6 mph. Great
Shuttle: 12.6 mi.
Mar. 20
Pastaliga. A nice paddle with temperatures in the mid-seventies. The high-light of the day was a quarter-mile-long wave train located just above the Barnes Bridge Access.

Statistics for the day: 10.9 mi. and 2 hr 45 min moving time; 4.0 mph moving avg. Shuttle: 14.3 mi.
Mar. 21 Burnt Corn. 6.8 mi., 2 hr moving time, 3.4 mph moving avg.

Shuttle: 5.7 mi.
Mar. 22
Yellow, CR-32 to SR 55. This was a good one. The river was small with lots of twists and turns, moderate current and LOTS of deadfalls and strainers to manuever around and/or pull-over or portage around...a total of eight such fun diversions from paddling down the river. These did lengthen the trip and it was almost six o'clock when we got off the river.

Statistics for the day: 13.8 mi., 4.5 hrs moving, 2.25 stopped, 3.1 mph avg moving.
Mar. 24 Titi-Shoal. The Titi is a beautiful, narrow twisty river that flows through a cyprus swamp. The "road" to the put-in was sand and the down-hill; some cars stayed at the top and the canoes were transferred to vehicles with 4-wheel driver for the last quarter miles. We encounted one strainer that required us to portage around the log. Lunch spots were essentially non-existant so we "parked" our canoes among the cyprus and ate in the canoes. The Titi flows into the Shoal River which is much wider and had a strong current. It was in the high 50's at the start and had increased to 69 when we got off the water.

We found three geocaches on the trip; two at the put-in and one on the river near the take-out. Trip stats: 8.1 miles long; 2:45 moving time.

Floating lunch

Mar. 25 Sweetwater Creek - Juniper. 11.8 mi., 3:25 hrs. moving; 6:25 hrs. total. Multiple ~12 major pullovers...not a creek you would want to do again. Bill did not paddle today. Shuttle: 8.9 mi.
Mar. 26 Big Fork - Titi. 5 mi., 2:15 moving. Very twisty, narrow river. Great fun. Shuttle: 2.0 mi.
Mar. 27 Blackwater River -- Bryant To Deaton. 8.8 mi., 2:20 hrs. moving time. Larger river. Easy paddle. Temperature increased from 50 degrees when we left camper to 67 degrees at take-out.

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