Mar. 18 | Pigeon-Sepulga. 12.0 mi., 2:40, 5.0 avg. mph. Sepulga river level (MacKenzie gauge): 8 ft. Pigeon can be paddled if Sepulga is 4 ft. or greater. Shuttle: 15.5 mi. |
Mar. 19 | Whitewater River. 15.4 miles. 4.25 hrs. moving. 3.6 mph. Great Shuttle: 12.6 mi. |
Mar. 20 |
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Mar. 21 | Burnt Corn. 6.8 mi., 2 hr moving time, 3.4 mph moving avg. Shuttle: 5.7 mi. |
Mar. 22 |
Mar. 24 | Titi-Shoal. The Titi is a beautiful, narrow twisty river that flows through a cyprus swamp. The "road" to the put-in was sand and the down-hill; some cars stayed at the top and the canoes were transferred to vehicles with 4-wheel driver for the last quarter miles. We encounted one strainer that required us to portage around the log. Lunch spots were essentially non-existant so we "parked" our canoes among the cyprus and ate in the canoes. The Titi flows into the Shoal River which is much wider and had a strong current. It was in the high 50's at the start and had increased to 69 when we got off the water. We found three geocaches on the trip; two at the put-in and one on the river near the take-out. Trip stats: 8.1 miles long; 2:45 moving time. |
Mar. 25 | Sweetwater Creek - Juniper. 11.8 mi., 3:25 hrs. moving; 6:25 hrs. total. Multiple ~12 major pullovers...not a creek you would want to do again. Bill did not paddle today. Shuttle: 8.9 mi. | |||||
Mar. 26 | Big Fork - Titi. 5 mi., 2:15 moving. Very twisty, narrow river. Great fun. Shuttle: 2.0 mi. | |||||
Mar. 27 | Blackwater River -- Bryant To Deaton. 8.8 mi., 2:20 hrs. moving time. Larger river. Easy paddle. Temperature increased from 50 degrees when we left camper to 67 degrees at take-out. |